"Life isn't fair, cherry."

            "Why do you call me that?" I growled. Cherry? Where the hell did he get that from? It's sounds like a prostitutes name. Ugh that's disgusting.

            He raised an eyebrow, "Did you forget about that pile of red stuff dangling from your head?"

            I touched a strand of my red locks. I crawled out of bed and leaned my back against the side of my bed, looking at the book Jack was scanning over. His eyes gleamed with mischievous as he looked at me, "Let's play a game. You'll learn and it'll be entertaining for me. It's a win-win type of game."

            "How do you play?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

            He smirked, "Simple. Every question you get wrong, a layer of clothes must come off. If you get a question right, I'll take something off."

            "Fine," I tried to hide my hesitation. He wanted to play nasty, than I can too. What he just said made me regret that kiss because I know it was filled with BS. He just wanted to get in my pants just like every other boy. Too bad I'm wearing skinny jeans and that's takes a freaking saw it peel it off.

            I stood up and went into my closet, throwing on every shirt and sweatpants I had. I come out, twice my original size. I tried sitting down and fell onto my back. Fudge! Is this what fat people go through? How sad. I rolled onto my side and saw Jack's jaw set.

            "First question, who killed Alexander Hamilton?" Who was Alexander Hamilton again? Dammit.

            "Someone that didn't like him..."

            Jack smirked, "It was Aaron Burr. Take something off, cherry." I pulled off one of my sweatpants. This was going to be a long day.

2 Hours Later


            "FINE!" I screamed, pulling off my t-shirt. Now I was sitting in my tank top and skinny jeans. I glanced behind me and saw the pile of clothes I had un-stripped. How many freaking questions had he asked me? A million? He didn't have one thing off! Okay, I really suck at history but I didn't think I'd get all these questions wrong? Shit.

            "Four more things to go," Jack chimed, a lazy smile on his face.

            "C'mon, next question."

            He smiled, "Who delivered the Fourteen Points on 1918?"

            I'm stumped, "Wilson?" I guessed.

            Jack blinked, his smile twitching downward, "That's right."

            I jumped to my feet, "It's right? It's right! Ha, in your face! Whoooaaa!"

            Suddenly, he took off his shirt, the defined muscles rippling. He had broad shoulders that I wanted to drag my nails across. I bit my lips, sitting back down. I coughed, "Okay, next questions."

            I tried not to look at his chest but it was hard! Would you not stare if let's say Channing Tatum walked by shirtless? Hell, I'd take pictures with me behind him so it looks like we're together.

            "Distracted?" Jack leered.

            "No," I snapped back, "Next question please."

            He peeked at the book and a slow smile grew on his face, "What did the AAA do for the Great Depression?"

            AAA? The car place? "It helped provide cars for the homeless,"

            He laughed, "Cars for the homeless? You don't have a better guess?"

            "It's something with cars right?"

He shook his head, "No, AAA stands for Agricultural Adjustment Act. It paid farmers for processing taxes on their products, and made loans to farmers who stored crops on their farms."

            Oh, I'm off by a lot.

            "What will it be, Tedi? Your shirt or pants?"

            I began unbutton my pants and stopped, "I quit,"

            "You can't! One of us has to lose."

            I shrugged, "Nope, I quit. It was fun studying with you, Jack."

            He stood up, "You're taking those pants off."

            I raised an eyebrow, "And what if I don't?"

PLAY SONG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>

            He grabbed my jeans loops and yanked down, my jeans slipping down to my knees. I pushed him off me and he tackled me onto my bed. Talk about aggressive much? We wrestled on my bed and finally he pinned me underneath him, "Do you do this with all the girls?" I asked sarcastically.

            He smirked, "Only the sexy ones."

            "Get off me,"

            "Not until those pants get off you." He retorted. His fingers played on the hem of my tank as his lips neared my neck. What was he doing? He grazed his lips across my neck, making my breath hitch. Don't get lost in the feeling! But it feels so good.... He bit me softly and I held my breath to stop from moaning.

            "Jack," I moaned out. Ugh... it wasn't supposed to sound like that. Gosh, I wanted to touch him. My fingers reached for his chest when he leapt off me, ripping my jeans from my ankles.

            "AHZA!" He shouted, waving my jeans in the air. I sat up just to see Maggie, M&M and Brandie huddled around the door.

            Well, this looks bad.

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