...And Acceptance.

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"And Sean, I did not get two! I got like 700!"

"Still didn't beat me."

I recognized that the guitar solo was about to come on in just a few moments.

"I remember Sean tried to mess me up on the solo part," I interrupted them.

Even though I remembered --

"You pushed me first!"

"Okay, yeah... but not as hard!"

"Stop!" Daniel said, "Listen, we can settle this once and for all as soon as we get home."

Sean gave me a troubling look.

That was the second time Daniel mentioned home, and in Sean's expression I could tell he just wanted to tell him, to get it over with.

But fuck, now? Look at him... he's having so much fun. I just continued dancing a bit, since the solo was about to come on. Right now, I just wanted to entertain Daniel.

Make him happy... just one last time.

"Okay, okay get in the zone!" I said to Sean and Daniel, "Even though I am the official best guitar player, I demand a rematch to prove that once and for all, I am NOT a cheater-"

And the music turned off.

Sean had jumped off of the bed, and switched off the TV.
"Why?" I yelled at Sean, but I already knew why.

Sean just sighed, "You know why. Daniel... Come here. We need to talk."

I slowly walked towards them... It was time.

Daniel looked between Sean and I, so innocently unaware of the situation.

"Can we get a drink first? I'm thirsty..."

"Right now?" Sean asked.

"I thought you said that I could have a coke.. Or something."

"Okay. I'll get you a soda," Sean gave in, "But when I come back... we're going to talk. Serious."

"And I'll stay here with you," I added.

"Fine..." Daniel said, "What's the big deal?"

Sean walked out of the motel room door, Daniel grabbed the TV remote and switched it on.

"Can you put it on Hawt Dawg Man, again?" I asked him, flopping myself onto the other bed that Daniel wasn't sitting on.

"Yeah," He said, "Give me a second though, I forgot what channel it was on."

He flipped through the TV channels in search of the cartoon.

I didn't think much of it until he came across a news channel.

And I really didn't think too much of that... until I saw Esteban's face on the screen.

Fear flashed through me, "... Daniel? Why don't you... turn that off..."

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant