Chapter 2

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Damien's POV


Uh oh. I knew I should have hid but I really wanted to see her reaction. This bitch, excuse my french, has been trying to get with me for a while after I kindly then not so kindly told her multiple times that I'm not interested. You would think that knowing I was gay would turn a girl off but no this one is weird.

"Damien..." The slu- I mean Serena whines (no offense to anyone named Serena lol). "Someone put a frog in my salad!"

She's also really stupid. Everyone knows that I'm the prankster around here. This dumb witch apparently can't take a hint. Like seriously she seen me holding a frog earlier. And I went to the kitchen with it. She's either that dumb or just really desperate.

"Yeah I did." Maybe now she'll take a hint.

"Oh.." Yes she got I- "well it's such a nice gift!" Okay maybe not.

I was just about to open my mouth and say some very un-kind words when one of my warriors on border patrol interrupted me.

     "Alpha, we may have a situation..." My head warrior's hesitant voice rang through my mind.

"What do you mean may? Do we have a situation or not?" I demanded through the link. If it's one thing I can't tolerate it's rogues. Feral little bastards. If it was a rogue causing a problem then I will just have to kill it.

    "Well, sir, it seems to be a rogue getting chased by a group of hunters." Michael stated.

"That's not a problem just let them capture the filthy mutt." I said dismissively. Hell, those hunters are actually doing me a favor. I was just about to close the link when Michael's voice sounded through the link once again.

     "But Alpha, the rogue is headed into our territory and the hunters seem to be letting up. I guess that would make the rogue our problem now right?" he questions.

Dammit. Of course the hunters choose now to be pathetic wimps. They chase a filthy rogue into my territory and just leave it there for me to clean up. Sounds just like them actually. When I get my hands on the mu-

     "Alpha?" Oh right. I'm supposed to give orders.

"Where is the rogue now?" I demand. 

      "He has collapsed by the southern border,sir." My lead fighter responds.

"Good. Meet me there." I order then close the link.

That just ruined my day. Now instead of pulling pranks, I have to eliminate a nasty mutt. Well the sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can have my fun.

"-ien.. DAMIEN!" Serena screeches in my ear. This girl is like half banshee I swear. And who the fuck does she think she's yelling at?

"That's Alpha Damien to you." I say sternly. Wow if looks could kill...

"Ay Damien!" another pack member greets as he walks by.

"Ay man what's up?" We do a little handshake. When I turn back to Serena, I have to try really hard not to laugh. She thinks that pout makes her look cute but I think she looks like a fucking fish.

"Why doesn't he have to call you Alpha but I do?" she whines.

"Because I don't like you." I say bluntly then walk away from her shocked expression. Maybe now the girl will get that I don't like her. Now I need to focus on work.

I go outside and shift, turning into my bright white wolf. At first I thought it was a little unmanly to have a white wolf but now I take pride in the fact. Grabbing my clothes with my jaw, I take off towards the southern border. 

When I arrive, I shift back and get dressed. As soon as I am close enough to my circle of men, a smell so strong and sweet nearly knocks me over. Damn it smells like chocolate and marshmallows. Weird I know but their my favorite. Wait, that means one thing. My mate is here! But the only new wolf here is the..

Well fuck me.


~ Little longer this time. Wow so Damien knows the rogue is his mate. Next chapter will be Ash's reaction. 

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