chapter 2

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Our train has now stopped so we run to the other train

We are all holding hands it's a stormy night.We make it just in time for our train.

I check my phone it's 9:00 pm

I show pete and ray

It's been a while now and we hop off the train and get a taxi

It's 10:25 now

Pete,Ray and I are walking to the nearest motel

We find a decent looking one

"I'm not getting the room" I say nervously
"Uhh neither" pete says.
Luckily we have ray and he gets the room for us with two beds...Pete and I will have to share a bed

We walk up the stairs and unlock our room and look around

ray is really loving this hotel

" we should actually have dinner" Pete says.

We all agree.I had completely forgotten about eating.
We had two minute noodles

Ray plugs his earphones in and tells us that he is actually tired and will be asleep soon.

Pete and I head to the balcony
Pete passes me a cigarette

We are looking at the view of the night sky and the beautiful city
Pete turns to me with a cigarette in his mouth. He carefully takes it out of his mouth.
Oh my god he looks so hot like that

"Mikey can I ask you something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time?" Pete says quietly

"Yeah" I say

"Mikey..will you be my boyfriend?" Pete says and quickly looks away

"Pete i have been wanting to ask you that for ages.. it's a yes obviously " I quickly say

I feel my cheeks going red

Pete turns around looking surprised

He takes my cigarette out of my mouth and then carefully takes his cigarette out

Oh my gosh...
Is he actually going to
I'm going to cry
A good cry!
Oh my gosh pete..
I was right
He is about to
He is

He cups my face with one of his hands and leans in kissing me..
His lips are so soft.The feel of his lips make me forget about everything around us. I let out  a small moan showing that I enjoyed this

"AWWWWW CUTE" ray says while holding up his phone

"huh?!" Pete says

Shit.. Ray saw us kiss
He must've been watching this whole time

"I got your guys first kiss on video!" Ray says sounding so excited

"Rayyyyyy" I say

"Okay well let's watch it then?" Pete says

We head on inside and ray plays the video

I absolutely hate how I look on camera

I mean it's a good thing that ray recorded this right?

But kind of creepy omgg

"Anyways goodnight guys if you guys are going to fuck please fuck in the bathroom not in that bed" ray says

What the fuck ray

"You set up cameras in the bathroom didn't you ray?" Pete says with a laugh


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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