chapter 1

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I put my books into my school bag getting ready for home time

I let out a sigh
The sigh was loud enough for pete to hear
"Hey uh mikey what's up?" Pete asks
My face turns red I'm speechless
Pete and I have had a crush on each other for quite some time for now but we have both been too scared to talk to each other since we said how we felt

"Oh just I don't want to go home my dad just calls me a disgusting fag and tells me to to get  a girlfriend" I say fighting back my tears. I can't cry I'm not weak I'm not weak I am not weak...

Pete pat's my back
"Hey mikey I struggle with the same thing at home why don't we run away together I have lots of pocket money and I know my way around so many towns and cities because I've been moving most my life so you down?"he says

I love the idea of this
"Yes pleasee" I say excitedly

"Heyyy mikey, hey pete " ray says enthusiastically

"Hi" we both say back to ray

Ray says "So I heard you two are running away um I'm sorry i just overheard it you know i was very close to-"

"It's fine ray just don't tell anyone please" pete says sounding kind of stressed

"Oh no!? Why would I actually can i come pleaseeeeeeeeeee " ray begs

"I don't see why not " I say

Pete agrees

This is actually a good thing.Ray is a very fun guy to talk to and he has knowledge on some of the most random useful stuff such as how to survive with not alot of money

All of us are seventeen years old we are nearly adults basically.Our parents can't force us to stay forever.we all get sick of our parents right?.

Pete tells us to all meet up at the local train station at 6:00 pm

We all head home to pack our things
Especially money

I grab a bag with the most space and put in
1. A stash of money (I have been saving since I was eight)
2 . Clothes
3. Essential items
4: foods and drinks
5: a blanket
6: phone/phone charger
And some makeup

It is now time for me to meet pete and ray at the train station

Luckily I'm home alone so I don't have to explain where I am going
I close the door behind me
It is raining
I put my hood on and run to the station

About five minutes later I am finally at the station arriving the same time as pete

We see ray and run over to him

While we are waiting for our train to come we talk about what we have packed and ways to disguise and where exactly we should head

"Well you see..we should change locations regularly and try not to go out in public alot so people don't recognize us when we get reported missing" ray explains

"He has a point" I say

"We'll stay at hotels" pete says

I'm so excited for this especially the great memories we will make.

Our train is finally here we head on in and take a seat in the back

Ray sitting infront of us and my head on pete's shoulder.Ray turns around and grins "this is so exciting!!" Ray says

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