I took a deep breath, then a drink of my beer before I explained to him about Demi. I told him about the conversations we had & about the party & sleeping in the same bed. I told him how I almost kissed her on the roof top & how she doesn't want to date a fighter. I told him how I invited her to go hiking & then to the concert & she was going to go, but then today told me we couldn't hang out anymore. I told him everything & when I finished, he pressed his lips together, giving everything some thought. My brother was very smart, even though he may not look it. He wasn't book smart. He was street smart. He knew how to read people, something that was necessary when you're a fighter. He was always a good person to go to for advice because he knew a lot about life & people.

Tonight, I thought my brother was going to give me great sound advice. Instead, he took a deep breath before he said, "That bitch be fickle as fuck." His eyes were wide as he took a drink of his beer. I couldn't argue with him, because she was being fickle. I sighed out of frustration, though, because it didn't help me to decide what to do about her or the situation.

I tried not to think about Demi before my session with her on Wednesday. Inevitably, I would think about her, but once the thought of her popped into my head, I immediately thought of something else. I kept myself busy working at the gym & I worked out a little as well. I was told by my doctor & by Demi, though to limit my work outs so I wasn't overdoing it.

I was nervous Wednesday as I sat in Demi's office waiting for her. When she came in she was chipper, as if things were fine with us & this kind of pissed me off. "Good Morning, Nick. How are you today?" She almost sang as she stood beside the table, next to me.

"Good." I answered, trying not to sound too friendly. I laid back on the table & took a deep breath. "I need to tell you what I decided."

Demi put her folder on her desk then came to start doing my exercises with my legs

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Demi put her folder on her desk then came to start doing my exercises with my legs. I saw her watching me with a curious expression on her face. "What did you decide?" She asked as she pulled on my good leg.

"I'm going to tell them I want a new PT." I said in a flat tone.

Demi stopped what she was doing & stood up to stare down at me with her mouth open. "What? Why? Is this because I didn't want to hang out anymore outside of here?"

I sat up & shrugged my shoulders a little. "Well, yea. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. Or feel like you were crossing any lines."

"Nick. Listen. I know what I said, but I actually thought about it & I am fine being friends outside of here. I don't have to tell anyone here any of my business that happens outside these walls. I was going to tell you today that I will go hiking with you & to the concert with you. Please don't get another PT because that would not be good for your recovery. It would set you back & I am trying hard to get you back to your full potential before your big fight in September." Demi was leaning on her desk & her arms were crossed like she meant business. I had to admit I was happy she changed her mind. My brother's words were ringing in my head. "Bitch be fickle as fuck." I started laughing & Demi scowled at me. "What's funny?"

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