"Umm yeah. It looks fine." Abby emptied her couldron with a flick of her wand and left the lab after letting Snape know that she was done.

Well, they at least had a semi-civil exchange, Draco thought to himself.


James was looking forward to a quiet night in as Remus would be in the basement due to the full moon, Luke and Danielle had gotten their own home while Sirius and Regulus were out for some brother bonding time that he didn't want to interfere in. And what better to accompany his night in than a mug of his favorite hot chocolate which he had just sat down with and was about to switch on the television when he heard the bell ring.

"I'll get it sir," said Noah, his butler.

"Thanks Noah".

"Who may I ask is calling?" James heard Noah's voice.

"Is Potter in?"

"Are you referring to Master James, sir?"

James recognized that voice. He had loathed that voice for a long time. He could swear he heard Snape's eye roll at the mention of Master James. But what was he doing here? If Dumbledore wanted to pass him a message, he knew better than to send Snape of all people. He got up from his seat and headed to entry hallway.

"It's alright Noah. I've got this."

"Yes, sir" Noah excused himself.

James and Snape glared at each other for several moments before James spoke up. "Lost your way, Sni...Snape? If your looking for Malfoy Manor, it's all the way down Scumbag Street."

"Believe me Potter, it gives me no pleasure to be at your home. But my curiosity leaves me no choice but to clarify this with you."

"Clarity what?"

"Is Abigail Potter your daughter?"

James took at step back. "Deny ... deny" his mind immediately told him. How on Earth did Snape figure that out? Surely, Luke, Sirius or Remus couldn't have told him. "Nonsense. I don't know what gives you that silly idea, but everyone knows she's my cousin's daughter." He crossed his arms.

"You mean everyone thinks she's your cousin's. But she's a little too much like Lily and even yourself isn't she? Great at Potions and Quidditch," Snape pointed out.

"So? Quidditch and Potions skills run in my family."

"And Lily's mannerisms?" Snape narrowed his eyes.

"That's your big evidence? Really? Loads of people have similar mannerisms. And loads of people are good at Quidditch and Potions."

"That's not all Potter. I did a little research and found out she was born on the same day as your son which just so happens to be the day you lost your twin daughter. But if you want to play it that way, suit yourself. I'll just get my third year Gryffindor and Slytherin class to do a DNA test in the next Potions class and pair her with your son. If you're lying, I'll know from testing their DNA together. Or maybe I'll just flick a sample of both their DNA from lunch and test it myself." Snape smirked.

"Nooo" James protested. "Alright. I admit it. Abby is my daughter."

"I knew it," Snape said triumphantly. "Let me guess. You gave your daughter up to your cousin who lost his and Lily never found out about it," he accused.

"For your information, Lily knows about it. It was our mutual decision," James said indignantly. James went on to explain how Abby was given away.

"Touching story Potter. I wonder if your son and daughter would be as touched when I tell them," Snape said snidely.

"Noo. You can't tell them. Please Snape. I'm begging you," James implored.

"Any why should I listen to you Potter".

"Because ... Alright. What do you want to keep your mouth shut?" James was practically desperate.

"I don't see anything I could want from you, Potter," Snape rolled his eyes.

"Snape, please. Even if not for me, for Lily. I'll do anything."

"Fine. I'll keep my mouth shut for now. But I expect you to keep your word of doing anything I ask when I come to collect the favor, or else your secret won't be safe anymore," said Snape.

"Alright. Fine. Thank you."

James breathed a sigh of relief as Snape left. But this quickly faded away at the thought that he owed Snape a favor. Not that he minded doing him a favor, but knowing Snape, the favor would likely not be something he finds pleasant.

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