Chapter 18

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ATTENTION: I have a removed the small Christmas section from Chapter 16 as a certain thing I thought could wait till later needed take place by Christmas break. Hence Christmas is pushed to this chapter. But it doesn't effect the story as I only removed a small section from Chapter 16.

As the Christmas Holidays came around, the Marauders and Regulus had gone into business together, where they would create a map like the one they created of Hogwarts for any home or building owner who desired their service. It was kind of like a Security System. For an additional fee, they would place charms that acted like an alarm system.

For the first time, Harry got to be among the students who went home for Christmas break. He looked forward to the Christmas Dinner that his dad would be throwing but he especially looked forward to spending more time with his dad and uncles. It had really only been a bit more than a month since he last saw his dad at his Quidditch game, but he missed him and found himself running into his arms the moment he saw him at King's Cross Station.

For Abby, returning home for Christmas break was as normal as having breakfast. She was happy but not quite as happy as Harry. She wasn't sure she was all that surprised when Malfoy came over to wish her a Merry Christmas the day that they were leaving for their Christmas break. She still thought he was a jerk but he had somehow gotten weird around her. But nevertheless, it was Christmas, and in that spirit, she wished him a Merry Christmas back before walking away. She could have sworn she heard him cheer behind her.


Harry had the best Christmas that he remembered that year. There were no awful Dursleys to put up with and neither was he preoccupied with solving Hogwarts's latest mystery that was threatening the wizarding world. It was just him having fun with his friends and family. Even Regulus had become Uncle Regulus.

On Christmas morning, Harry received more presents than he ever had. A computer set up in his room with several video games and a thick 916 gold "man" bracelet with a snitch motif and a clasp from his dad, a camera and a talkboy from Sirius, a book on Quidditch History and an Omega Virus board game from Remus, a Nerf Arrowstrom and a Matchbox Carwash with toy cars from Regulus, a Rolex watch from his Uncle Luke, a box of Qudditch Collector's cards from Ron, several novels from Hermione, a pair of gold magic sunglasses from Abby and his usual Weasley jumper from Mrs. Weasley.

Harry was delighted with all his gifts. He may be a little too old for the toys but was nevertheless glad to play with them as he had never had much of a chance to enjoy toys growing up. He especially loved having his own computer with video games after years of longing to have a go at Dudley's one. He couldn't wait to have fun with the Talkboy just like Kevin McCalister did in Home Alone 2. Byron gifted him the DVD.

Harry also bought everyone gifts including a small Firebolt Model for Ron and a few novels for Hermione. He and Hermione seemingly had the same wavelength in gifting each other. And they knew each other's taste too as Harry was interested in checking out the fantasy/adventure books she got him. The presents James gave the other kids included a one year subscription to Quidditch Illustrated to Ron, a gold necklace and earrings to Abby and a white gold necklace to Hermione. Harry had already been subscribed to Quidditch Illustrated since the summer.

Christmas Dinner was a full house. Even Sirius's cousin Andromeda and her family joined them. Their daughter Nymphadora, or Dora as she preferred to be called was training to be an Auror.

"My training center is only a few blocks from here," said Dora.

"Great. You should stop by for tea sometime, after your training session" James invited.

"Yeah, we'd love to have you," added Remus.

"Of course you'd love to 'have' me Remus," Dora winked.

Remus went red as James and Sirius exchanged amused glances.


The rest of the vacation passed with frequent visits from the Weasley boys during which they enjoyed shooting arrows with the Nerf Arrowstorms they were each gifted by Reglus and playing Harry's Omega Virus. They had some fun with their Talkboys from Sirius but it would be even more fun to use them on people didn't like when they got back to Hogwarts. The movie they chose to see at the theatre was Mrs. Doubtfire.

A few days before their Christmas Break was over, the Marauders, the Golden Trio and Regulus went to Grimmauld Place to collect a few of Sirius and Regulus's stuff. Sirius, Remus and Regulus were to remain at Potter Manor until further notice while Luke and family had moved to the mansion next door.

Unfortunately, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy chose that exact moment to show up at Grimmauld Place.

"What are you doing here?" Sirius glared at her indignantly.

"I should be the one asking you that. Didn't Aunt Walburga disown you?" One would think Narcissa had dung under her nose from her expression.

"Her disowning me couldn't legally change the entailment on the house. So it's mine as the senior male-line descendent. And your Aunt Walburga is dead anyway."

Narcissa lips tightened but her eyes grew wide as she noticed who was beside Sirius. "Regulus?"

"Alright cousin"

"You're with your bother now? I thought you two didn't get along? You were one of us," she crossed her arms.

Amidst all this, the curses of Walburga's portraits and her appeals to Narcissa and Regulus could be heard.

"Well, I've see the error of my ways".

"They've brainwashed you," her arms still remained crossed. "And now, you've brought .... blood traitors are one thing but to bring a ....." she pointed a finger at Hermione. "Your mother would be so disappointed."

"I AM. I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU REGULUS." Walburga's portrait shrieked.

"Well, too bad," Regulus shrugged at Narcissa.

"Come on Draco." She walked away in a huff.

Draco followed his mother while shooting a sneer at Harry and friends.

Sirius and Regulus also needed to get books from the library, so Harry and Ron followed them there while James, Hermione and Remus went to Sirius's room to pack a few things. The Black family library had the same blood charm as the Potter family library and hence Sirius, Regulus and Ron entered first before Sirius removed the charm to allow Harry entry. Ron could enter as he was also descended from Phineas Nigelus Black in the female line. Sirius shut the door which magically reactivated the charm.

Narcissa and Draco were gathering books that were mostly related to Dark Arts while Harry and Ron helped the Black brothers gather several interesting books that had nothing to do with the Dark Arts.

"Sirius, why are a few books missing from the Dark Arts section?"

"I ... don't know. Why are you asking me? It's not like I read books on Dark Arts," Sirius didn't meet her eyes.


"I swear I don't know".

Harry could tell both brothers were hiding something. But why would they have taken books on the Dark Arts?

Just then the door opened and Hermione entered. Everyone looked at each other shocked.

"How did she enter without us removing the charm?" Draco pointed accusingly at her. 

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