Chapter 18 | Smooth Skin

Start from the beginning

He moves forward to hold my cold hand, and rubs them to warm them up up with his warmth but when it does not help he leans closer to blow his hot breath gently placing his lips on my palm he blows them and that sudden touch trembles my body.

But the affection he is showing tears me up and I silently cry while admiring him "please don't cry" he cups my face and wipes my tear.

"Are you still cold" only a head shake he is expecting but since I am in my angry character I do not give him any answer "when we reach home I will make you a hot chocolate hmm?" He smiles at me and I only blankly look at him.

With a disappointed look he turns and starts the ignition to drive away.

I squeeze my hands together in between my thighs, with my head resting against the headboard of the seat I look out of the window but feel his eyes wandering from the road to me.

The car finally stops and my heart relaxes at the thought of snuggling in those thick comfy blankets.

He moves out and open the door acting like a gentleman but I am still angry so I ignore his gentleness when the door opens and the rich cold breeze hits my skin my body trembles and I feel like just shutting the door close and sleeping here.

Ayaan leans closer to unbuckle my seatbelt, his hands finding mine and when are both hands interlock I look up to see him still giving me a guilty look.

I gulp the hot tears but move out to be inside. He stands closer but do not hold me and hugs me like before and that disappoints me.

A sigh escapes my lips when I find no one in the living room so we quickly walk past the living room towards our.

When I feel my head throbbing more I remove his coat and place it on the bed before joining in those comfy blanket which is waiting for me. I do not even bother to remove my Abaya, I feel weak, I feel each and every limbs in my body trembling.

I hear the room door being closed and soon the bed sinks "kinza, please change first, you won't be comfortable if you sleep in this" he worries about my comfortableness and I again ignore him with a sigh he leaves the bed and soon my side sinks indicating that he is sitting beside me.

"Kinza, I am sorry please don't ignore me like this" he for the first time shows some feeling and I can feel my heart warming at his affection which I am secretly craving for and maybe that's the reason why I am keeping my mouth shut.

A hand touches my skin jolts my body up and soon the gentle caress on the cheek calms me "kinza...please look at me" he again asks for my attention, his hand slowly creeping its way to remove the pin so my hijaab would come off.

He every so carefully removes my hijaab and now I turn to his side and open my eyes to see him looking at me with obvious sadness.

"I am sorry, I know you're upset and I know I did something which is worth being scolded but please don't ignore me, your silence is irritating and it's killing me" a smile forms on my lips when I hear him opening his heart for the first time. My mind is mentally grinning but I hide it like a professional hider.

"I hate you" my lips and mouth feels dry when I open my mouth after a long break I took.

"Huh? Sorry?" He looks confused but a smile forms on his lips hearing me which he tries to hide "I said I hate you!" I sit up to take out everything on him "do you know how your legs curses on you if you make them stand for more than two hours, oh how would you know you were all chilling in your seat ordering people. How can you forget picking me up!! I felt like I was abandon in the street when the watchman was taking a peek at me at time to time just to see if I am really a homeless person. You know what I don't want to talk to you I hate you I seriously thought of punching you when I see you but your cute guilty face is not letting me do anything, I am freaking not even able to give you a silent treatment!!" I breathe out letting everything in one. God I am thirsty I should have drank water first before starting.

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