Chapter 16

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Pregnant meant you craved something so bad. Usually you could control yourself but this time, you just really want it so bad. There you are make your way to buy some taiyaki. Satisfied with your finding, you are about to bite it, when you hear the familiar voice "Y-y/n?". Hearing that voice, you froze a moment before you hurriedly walked away without turning your back. How fast could a pregnant woman go anyway? Well you did your best waddling like a penguin anyway but then you could feel him grab your arm. "Stop please.. L-let's talk" he stopped you. You still refused to look at him "Y-you got the wrong person..". He pulled you closer, made you end up turning around and he could see you clearly. He looked shocked when he saw you and your stomach. You gave him a light glare "What do you want, Koko? I believe I have no business with you anymore...". Your cold tone made him flinch a bit, "Why are you hiding from me? Where have you been? I've been looking for you.. You.. Whose child is that?". You could see how he stared at your stomach with hatred. You pull your arm away from him as you glare at him, "It's none of your business, Kokonoi.. Stay away from our life.. Isn't this what you want? For me to leave and end everything with you..". "What- No! The hell you are talking about?! You are the one who walked out on me!" you gasped as you gritted your teeth. "Me?! And because of what huh?! Have you thought about why I did that?! You made me, Koko!! YOU! Don't you dare pinning this on me! Looking for me?! Ha!! You didn't even tried to stop me before!! Don't make me laugh" you scoffed at him. Usually you are pretty calm but since you are pregnant, you really easily snap and your emotion is a mess. "So which bastard got you knocked up?" he scoffed back at you feeling upset being slapped with the facts that he is the one that fucked up. Your eyes widened when you heard that, you slapped him hard. Your tears streaming down your cheeks "You demon-". You gasped as you felt a cramping pain in your abdomen. Your body swayed a little as he quickly caught you, "W-what's wrong?! H-hey!". You panting as you feel something warm streaming down on your thighs. You scream in horror as you start to cry "My baby!! My baby!! I-it' hurts!! K-koko help". You looked up at him begging. Seeing you in pain, he quickly scooped you up in his arms and ran back to his car. "Hospital now!!" he shouted at the driver while you already groaned in pain. The blood keeps streaming out as you start to get panicked "No no no no... Please no please... No.. *sobs* no please not my baby". "SPEED UP, IDIOT!" Could be seen how Koko also panicked when he saw all that blood. The time you two arrive at the hospital, he lifts you up and runs. Shouting for help in panic, the time they took you away, he could feel his body trembling.

-Koko's POV-

He never thought he would finally find her. He sat there in the waiting room. He called Inupi as soon as the doctor took her away. "How is she? Is the baby alright?" He shocked when heard Inupi asked about it. He hasn't told him yet why she is at the hospital. He grabs his collar shirt, glaring at him as his tone sounds threatening when he speaks "Motherfucker.. You fucking my woman?! You fucking knock her up?!". He could feel Inupi's punched his face as hard as he could "That is your fucking child, jackass!". He looked up at Inupi in shocked "W-what?". Inupi sighed as he stepped on Koko's thigh with his high heels "The day she left you, she came to my place. I helped her out for a month.. Then she started having morning sickness. She left my place when she was two months pregnant. She begged me to hide her from you. I keep telling her how you changed but she.. You aren't the only one who got hurt, koko. I told her to get the abortion, she refused. She said it's your child, she loves you and she loves that child. She is an idiot.. ". Hearing that, now he knows why he couldn't find her at all. He sat there dumbfounded with mixed feelings. Since you left, he is like someone who is losing the light for his life. He has been searching for her these whole times but he knows he didn't try hard enough. Why? Because he is too scared, scared if he found her, she would say she doesn't love him anymore. "L/n's family member? Are there any L/n's members or acquaintances here?" hearing that, he hurriedly got up and went to the doctor with Inupi following behind "W-we are l/n's acquaintances.". The doctor looked at both men a bit skeptical but just decided to tell them anyway "L/n-san is..".

- End of Koko's POV-

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