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Narrator POV:


Karl has always been a sort of strange boy. He never seemed to get along with other children his age and would never talk about his days at school. In fact he almost never talked. It was strange to almost all of his neighborhood, but most brushed it off as shyness. His parents however were concerned about it, more specifically, his mother. She took him to a child therapist once to try to help him but he didn't comply. He went, but he didn't do anything but sit there.

"Your child might be mute or have Einstein syndrome, which causes a severe delay in language."

The doctor spoke, and his mother believed him. She believed that she may never hear her child speak. She didn't like the idea of it, but she seemed to accept the possibility quite quickly. His father, on the other hand, was enraged. He wanted nothing to do with a child with a possible disorder. Especially when he knew he could understand him. His father was raised in a small, close-minded, rural town in North Carolina and was taught that way. He believed he could make him speak by force. Specifically through aggressive force.

He also blamed the mother who had no responsibility for this lack of speech. Karl wasn't entirely mute though, just very reserved. He spoke to himself as his mother thought, but in reality he was talking just to talk. He didn't care who was listening, he just talked. He talked to the snails on the ground, the trees he walked by, the wind as it kissed his cheeks. By the time Karl's eighth birthday rolled around, his mother knew he could speak fully, he just didn't really like to talk to people. She didn't understand that part but she didn't care, she could hear her baby boy speak every once in a while, and she was happy like that.

To think that now he's seventeen running from the law. Where did his life go? Where is he going to go?


335 words

I hope you all will like this story~ Toby/Author (:

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