Gracies First Breakup

Start from the beginning

"You're right" he agreed "I'll be calm and casual, I promise" he said before we both left my room and walked back in to the living room.

Gracies POV

I woke up with an unpleasant groan as all the memories of the day came flooding back to me. I sat up and stretched my arms out and attempted to stretch the stiffness in my neck that came from sleeping on the sofa,

"The princess awakes from her slumber" Jay joked from the opposite end of the sofa,

"I wish I hadn't" I mumbled as I sat up straight and Jay moved to sit directly next to me,

"Hey" he scolded as he wrapped his arm around me "don't talk like that" he said as I rested my head on his chest "I'm sorry Gracie" he said and I scoffed slightly,

"No your not" I said "you hated Luke" I reminded,

"That may be true, but I don't like seeing you upset" he admitted as his arm tightened around me "it'll get better" he comforted as a few tears rolled down my cheeks,

"Promise?" I asked with a sniffle,

"Promise" he replied with a light smile "why don't you go have a shower and we can watch a movie and order pizza" he suggested "Will can treat us" he joked and I heard Will scoff from his place at the kitchen island,

"Like always then" he commented and I laughed slightly as I stood up to go have a shower.

Once I had finished I got changed in to some cozy pyjamas and we ordered some pizzas. Jay was in the shower and Will was on the phone when there was a knock on the front door,

"Gracie can you get that?" Will asked "my wallet's on the counter" he told me and I grabbed it from the kitchen before opening the front door. My stomach sank and my heartbeat quickened when I saw who was stood in front of me.

"What're you doing here?" I asked my now ex boyfriend who looked worse for wears,

"Babe I'm so sorry" he said and I cringed at the nickname he used,

"I'm not your 'babe'" I snapped "and I think you should go before Will and Jay realise you're here" I said seriously, not wanting to hear any of his apology's,

"It meant nothing" he insisted "it just happened and before I knew what was going on you'd see us" he explained and I rolled my eyes,

"Would you have told me?" I asked curiously,

"What?" He asked confused and I sighed,

"Would you have told me about the kiss if I hadn't have caught you?" I elaborated. He hesitated to answer my question and that was all the confirmation I needed "and that's exactly what I was afraid of" I shook my head "goodbye Luke" I said before attempting to shut the front door only for him to put his foot in the way and push it back open "are you crazy?" I asked with widened eyes,

"Please Gracie" he pleaded as he moved to step closer to me,

"I swear to god if you take one more step I'll scream" I warned but he didn't listen "WILL" I shouted as I took a step away from him. Like a shot Will was out of his bedroom with a look of alarm on his face,

"What's the matter?" He asked panicked before he noticed Luke stood just past the front door "what the hell are you doing here" He asked him but Luke's attentions remained on me,

"C'mon Gracie you know you don't wanna do this" he pleaded "it meant nothing" he assured,

"What the hell's going on?" Jay asked as he walked out of the bathroom "have you got a death wish or something kid?" He asked angrily,

"He cheated on me" I informed no longer caring what happens to the boy I no longer care for,

"He what?" Jay asked furiously,

"You need to leave" Will said firmly as he pointed to the front door,

"I'm not going anywhere" Luke said adamantly "Gracie pleas-" he moved to grab my arm and that was all it took for both of my brother to step in to action. Will pulled me behind him and away from Lukes reach as Jay grabbed him by his shirt, dragging him out of the apartment and in to the hallway,

"You stay the hell away from our sister" Jay warned "you come near her again and I'll have the whole of the police department on your ass within seconds and believe me, that will be the least of your worries when we find you" he threatened before forcefully pushing him towards the staircase "get outta here" he demanded before walking back in to the apartment and shutting the front door with a slam. I wordlessly walked back to the living room and sat down on the sofa, pulling my knees up to my chest as I processed all that had just happened,

"He wouldn't have told me" I said quietly,

"Huh?" Will asked walking in to the living room,

"He wouldn't have told me" I repeated "If I hadn't caught him I mean" I said and he sighed,

"Hey" Jay said as he rested his arms on my shoulders "you deserve so much better than him baby girl" he assured and Will nodded,

"Absolutely" he agreed "and if he couldn't see how luck he was to have you then he's stupider that everyone thought" he added. There was a knock on the front door and I looked up concerned "calm down, it's probably just the pizza" Will soothed,

"Let's hope you're right for everyones sakes" Jay mumbled as he went to answer the door. I could tell by the lack of shouting that it was indeed the pizza delivery guy and Jay soon reappeared with the food in hand,

"C'mon" Will encouraged "pizza makes everything better" he joked and I smiled lightly,

"We'll even let you choose the movie" Jay added and I raised my eyebrows,

"Without complaining?" I asked suspiciously,

"Without complaining" he agreed and Will nodded,

"Great" I smiled "Princess Diaries it is" I announced and both of my brothers groaned. So much for no complaining!

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