chapter six • summer

Start from the beginning

And that was the last thing Scarlet wanted to do.

What he had texted her was rather humorous on the females behalf, it sounding almost like he was debating wether to send it and accidentally tapped the button with large, clumsy thumbs.

I want to see you again and have an idea of where I want to take you. Saying no is not an option so please say yes else I'll cry

She remembered letting out a barking laugh as her oculars read the last few words, her smile stretching almost painfully wide whilst she scanned the message again and again for a few too many times.

I didn't realise I had you under the thumb already Cameron, but sure I'll come. As long as you don't take me on another drug run, but that's if you don't buy me some too to bribe my silence.

It wasn't that she was a regular user of the drug but Scarlet was far from foreign to the fine white power, although her preference leaned much towards weed than what Rafe abused, herself and April at one time had gotten into a habit of smoking the herb every few days as they watched the sun set and counted the stars. Sadly those days passed once Scarlet had started picking up shifts at café parfait, but she missed it a severe amount and internally reminded herself to ask her best friend to begin getting back into that old routine.

And on the other end of the phone Rafe gasped in horror once the message had accidentally sent with no going as he was erasing the last few words, groaning with disbelief and just seconds away from blocking her number from sheer embarrassment until his phone lit up and illuminated his dark room with her response.

Just then he smiled whilst reading what she had replied; still feeling an underlying irk of humiliation but brushed it away as vigorously as he could. Because her reply didn't insinuate any discomfort with the pathetic words he chose to write with no intention of actually sending them, Thank fucking god.

Despite not being able to spend the whole day with the brunette as she soon informed him that she has a four hour shift at the cafe, Rafe was overall content with being able to at least see her tonight and knew exactly where they'd be going. More so, where he was taking her. The anticipation was building by the second within him to wether or not she would like it, females he usually found were easy, but with Scarlet that's a whole lot different- she in fact was not easy at all.

Which Rafe liked to an extent, because easy was boring.

Today the cafe was at its usual customer rate and the brunette found herself constantly busy, but that never halted her mind from wondering back to her unknown night antics with the male as she was completely lost in the dark on the plans he had made. All Scarlet had gotten was a simply 'wear something comfortable' as a clue but didn't help her nerves in the slightest.

Rafe had given her no reason not to trust him as continuously he had proven that he had no ulterior motives to mind in exception of his snarky, lustful comments. But that didn't immediately mean that Scarlet trusted him, no, far from it in fact. She could trust Rafe as far as she could throw him, every time they'd meet he'd surprise her with something wether it be good or bad yet the female had a newly developed fixation towards that- it was threatening and exhilarating in all the best ways possible.

Around an hour was left to go until her shift was finished and her activity with the male begins, each second seemed to slip through her grasp but drag out in a mixture between nearing too quickly and not coming fast enough. Between orders she often thought about where she wanted whatever was happening between them to go, a relationship is something she absolutely did not want at the moment but it was way beyond the two to just have a genuine friendship.

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