The team bid their goodbyes and comforting messages to Jisoo and I.

"You okay?" Jisoo asked as we walk on the hallways of the building.

I sighed, thinking everything that happened inside that room. I feel hurt, but mostly I feel used. I didn't expect that the company treats me that way. Maybe that is way they are forbidding the dating thing. Now it's like I've made a fucking wrong decision of doing this, over Lisa and I before.

"I'm... fine.. I just didn't expect that things are like this the whole time. I am hurt." She look to me with sympathy, caressing my back for comfort.

"I understand, don't worry I got you."

"You are not mad?"

"Why would I be?"

"Because I got to this mess?"

Jisoo smiled and looked to me. "Jennie, I am anything but mad. To be honest I am proud. Because you are standing on your feet now, you are fighting for what you want. And lasty, you are fighting for Lisa this time." I smiled to her, all throughout the chaos and mistakes, she was always the right and comforting one. I don't know what to do without her.

"I'm worried about Lisa, I don't want her to be involve in my messy life. In the messy life of showbiz."

"Don't worry about her, Lisa know this a long time ago. Isn't she the one insisting to protect your life from the issues?"

I nodded. "I still don't want to drag her with this shit." Suddenly, I remembered what Jisoo told to Mr. Yand inside the room. "Unnie, what do you mean 'not to ruin this again' the one you told to Mr. Yang? Jisoo gulp and avoided my gaze. She continued walking to the building entrance only to be greeted with a bunch of reporters waiting for us outside.

We didn't have the chance to turn around, as they surrounded us already,making us trapped.

"Shit!" Jisoo cursed, holding my shoulder protectively. The cameras are flashing non stop making me blind momentarily. Jisoo instructed me to look down. Reporters are asking questions non stop about the issue and Jisoo tried to block them away.

"Jennie are you bi?"

"Jennie is it true you are in a relationship with your friend and ex trainee?"

"How long are you dating the photographer?"

"Jennie do you deny this allegations regarding the dating? How about the kiss, is that really you?"

I keep my head long, trying my very best to avoid all the reporters. They started to push and pull, hitting me everywhere that they can. Panic started to grow inside me. I don't really like being crowded like this. I started to feel heavy, the air in my lungs becoming insufficient as I tried to walk. Jisoo's hold started to loosen and I panic more her arms slip around me.

I was alone. I can't look anywhere. Reporters trying to shove those fucking microphone and cameras.

I am scared.

So fucking scared.

Jisoo unnie. I called.

Lisa. I cried.

Please take me out of here.

A warm and familiar scent invaded my nostrils. The smell of vanillas and honey. It's the same scent that brings comfort to me. And I felt strong arms engulf me protectively, keeping the reporters away from me.

"I got you baby, I got you." Lisa says, her head holding the back of my head as her other hand on my back. And I cried more, sobbing on her chest as I grip the sides of the cloth she is wearing.

"Get the fuck away from her!" Lisa said, her voice angry and I tighten my hold to her. She grab one of the reporters' camera and mic, slamming it on the ground. A sound of crashing surrounded the crowd that made them step back and some gasps emanated the place.

"I said get the fuck away from her! Do you or do you not understand?" Lisa's jaw clenched, her teeth gritting in anger. The reporters move away making me breathe a little. Guards and police started to surround the area snatching their cameras and recorders.

Lisa entangles herself and scan my whole. I tighten my grip on Lisa's shirt, trembling in fear. I was afraid that she'll be gone and left me alone. But she tighten her hold to me and stare into my eyes. She's mad. Her eyes almost I didn't recognize.

"Fuck your bleeding!" she hissed, facing the crowd once again. "Don't make them leave! I'll sue them for physical assault!" she shouted, looking back to me. I felt her hand dab the side of my forehead gently and I slightly wince in pain. Jisoo run toward us and hug me tightly.

"I am so sorry Jennie I lost you. Fucking.. you are hurt, they'll pay for this. Lisa please bring her home now."Jisoo turned to Lisa, who nods and guided toward her black Mercedes park on the side. I heard Jisoo talking to the police and facing the reporters.

Lisa safely buckled me inside her car before running on the drivers seat and pulling away from the place.


Lisa brought me home after a couple of minutes. We are settled on a couch with first aid kits on her hands as we watched the news earlier about me being attacked. The scene was horrible, I unconsciously grip the pillow above my lap as Lisa clean the little scratch on my arms and my forehead. She angrily shuts the tv off and placed her warms hand on my trembling one.

"Hey, it's over now. You're safe now." I scooted closer to her, hugging her and burying my face on her chest. I am safe. I will feel safe with her. Lisa hum soothing comforts as she stroke my hair in a most comforting way. She places gentle kisses on my head every time. "I am here. I love you."

"Lisa, I am so sorry for dragging you into this. Please don't leave me."

"Hey hey. Don't say that." Pushing my shoulders away so that she can face me. "I'll never leave because of this. It won't make me leave. And please remember you are not dragging me from anything. We are both in this together. Ok? Together. You should've told me that Mr. Yang will meet you today. I could have at least accompany you, face him with you." Lisa said as he caress my cheek, staring deeply into my eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, ok? Plus I wanted to thank you." Lisa give me her goofy smile that made me smile back. "Now we can really hold each other's hands without a disguise."

"Right, if only I have thought about this a long time ago, we wouldn't be separated from each other. If only I was brave enough, that wouldn't happen to us."

"Don't say that, ok? I was at fault too. If I was brave enough also, that couldn't happen. Let's stop blaming ourselves. It's done, we couldn't do anything about it. Let's just focus on what we have right now." I nod and smile, giving her my gummy one. The past is past, what matters is now.

Rosie called after, saying she saw the new. She was also angry, but happy that I am safe. The whole squad contacted me. Angry form what the media did. And I am more than thankful for their existence. For being my friends, a solid one.

Lisa and I spend the whole afternoon inside the house. Which rarely happen because of our jobs. And we made sure to spend it wisely, doing the things we love. Lisa made sure I don't feel uneasy because of the incident this morning. And I assured that I am perfectly fine. I am because she is here. And I will always be.

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