Chapter 6: The Occupation

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Jordan's hologram touched something on his own device and, on top of the holotable, finally appeared the hologram of the Empress.

"Your Majesty." Jaral greeted respectfully.

" Jaral greeted respectfully

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

"Grand Marshall Bridger." the woman replied in kind. "I think you already guessed the reason of my call. I'm here to inform you that the invasion fleet is ready. The last ship assigned has been upgraded with an hyperdrive, two divisions of your new Army are waiting. All forces will be in position around the wormhole in three days."

Jaral couldn't hold back a smirk. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will start organize another strike against the factory on Lothal immediately." then she turned toward her husband. "Darv, play Ryder's message, let's see if he can tell us anything."

Darvos complied. What followed was only a garbled voice record of Ryder.

"The Empire is beginning trials on a new version of its TIE Defender. Intel from our spies in the capital reveals the upgraded fighter is..."

"What happened?" Ezra asked.

"That was all the message. The Empire must have cut it short." Darvos explained.

"If the Empire is building a new TIE Defender," Mothma intervened. "the Rebellion needs to know."

"I agree."Jaral said. "Dad, prepare the Constantinople for my arrival. I'm moving there."

"You're always welcome aboard." Jordan quipped.

"Marshall, please wait a moment..." Mothma tried to say, but Jaral replied with her reasons.

"Madam Senator, if that TIE Defender enters in production, this war will already be lost. It's not just liberating my home-planet, it's to make sure that the objective will be achieved at any cost. So I'm going all the way to the end." she explained with a willful tone.

Mothma sighed. "Well, we gave you full command for a reason. Who's going to be your acting officer?"

"Admiral Raddus will manage perfectly. Besides, we have already planned the next campaign, there won't be need for me around so much."

"I understand, Marshall." Mothma extended a hand. "Then May the Force be with you."

Jaral made a lopsided grin and shook hands. "I appreciate the thought, Madam. But I'm gonna count on my wits, mostly." she quipped.

"Not to kill the moment," Rex intervened. "but we need to think of a way to infiltrate the squad on the planet."

"He's right." said Kallus. "Even the Kodiaks would be too exposed without someone on the surface to provide a secure approaching vector."

"Perhaps I can help with that." Nimbus intervened, drawing gazes on her. "An old acquaintance of yours, Cikatro Vizago, now has a legitimate business on Lothal and Imperial permits to pass the blockade. I can tell him to help you guys if you can provide some puffer pigs for him."

Saga of the Bridgers-Year 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora