Chapter 1

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I stare down at the glop of mystery meat on my tray, I don't know how anyone eats this when it looks like the gum stuck under the desks. Looking around our table I see Zach practically inhaling the mystery slop. I feel my scrunch in disgust. Despite his overall disgusting tastes, Zach is quite popular with women. He always looks well put together, with his black hair slicked back slightly, enough to create a little poof above his head. I've heard girls like his green eyes, I don't really notice them, I mean it's not in my interest to stare into his eyes anyways. Ayato eats his food silently, he always does, he says his family has a no talking at the table rule. He claims it's a Japanese thing, but I think it's because of some hidden tension in his family. He doesn't talk to many other people besides us three, he tends to hide behind his black bangs and stay in his own world. Noah is the baby of the bunch, he doesn't show interest in girls and has no intention of growing up. His innocence shows in his appearance, his curly blonde hair always looks like he just woke from a nap and his blue eyes are normally wide with excitement. 

"Hey, guys!" I hear some girl yell, to be honest, she sounds way too happy for someone that's at school. But it's not like she's talking to us anyway.

"Um... Hi." Was that Noah? Did Noah say that? I look up to see that the other guys are just as surprised as I am that some girl just came up to us. There is a brunette girl running- no speed walking- towards our table, her curls bounce as she walks. The closer she gets the more I can see how fake her smile is, it's almost hard to look at.

"What do you want!" I snap, but her reaction unlike most people is not to run as far away from me as possible, this girl actually scowls at me. I probably looked ridiculous with my mouth hanging open like this but I quickly recovered and scowled back.

She looks cute when she scowls.

No, she doesn't look cute, she looks like trouble.

Pfft, whatever you know I'm right.

"What our very charming Eli here," Ayato starts talking then glares at me, which makes her giggle. "Means is how can we help you?" I scoff at how polite he sounds, it's common for him to be nice to people we don't know, even if he doesn't want to. 

That giggle was cute.

No, it wasn't.

Yes, it was.




Just admit you think the girl is cute.

She is not cute.


Great now I'm having arguments with myself.

"Well, I'm glad you asked." She says as she sits between Zach and Noah. "I've been dared to do something and I kind of need you guys' help for it."

"What's the dare?" Zach says, rather calmly actually

"I have to set you all up on dates, and you have to enjoy them, which you will." She says a little too confidently.

"What!" Noah yells.

"No way!" Ayato says.

"Piss off, Bitch!" I spit. I admit I can be a bit vulgar sometimes, and today I just happen to want to be. 

"Shut it, Eli," she says, once again shocking us all. "Seriously guys, if we're gonna do this you should get used to me standing up for myself." It was quiet for a moment before she turns to Zach and raises her hand to shake his "I'm Lana, it's nice to meet you," he grabs her hand giving her a small smile.

"I'm Zach."

"Zach, you like Addy don't you?" She asks while tilting her head to the side. Zach may be popular with women but he isn't as confident around ones he actually likes. He is a bit of a nervous wreck actually.



"I'll take that as a yes then. I guess I know who I'm setting you up with." She says after looking at his surprised expression.

"How did you know that?" Noah asks.

"Just call me cupid," she chuckles a little then turns back to Zach. "Anyway... I'm gonna go get her number for you." She stands up and goes to the girl before Zach can say anything against it.

"What the fuck was that?!" I spit.

"More importantly who the hell was that?" Ayato asks calmly.

"How did she know about Zach's crush though? I mean he's been crushing on her for about a month and nobody has guessed yet." Noah wonders out loud.

"I don't care how she knows anything! I want her gone." I responded while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I think you just don't like that she stood up to you," Noah says as a small smile creeps to his face. "Oh, guys I think that's it," his laugh looks ridiculous as he throws his head back. 

I growl in response, "She's just fucking annoying, okay?"

"Oh this is too good," Ayato says in his teasing voice.

"I like her, she could be cool," Zach jumps in "I mean... she's coming back." the brunette girl sits back next to Zach and extends her hand to him. 

"What?" he asks after a minute of trying to figure her out. 

"Zach, your phone," she demands. He makes an 'O' shape with his mouth and fetches his phone out of his pocket.

"Thanks," he whispers to her and blushes a little, as she quickly types what I assume to be the girl Addy's number into his phone.

"Oh and Zach?" she says.


"She likes you too." His small smile turns into a larger grin. Woah. I haven't seen him smile like that in a long time.

A smile makes its way to her lips. This one is different than before, her eyes crinkle and her nose scrunches a little bit. It looks genuine and I can't seem to take my eyes off of her. 

Dude, just admit she looks cute.


You're too stubborn.

"Aw how touching," I say sarcastically. "Will you leave now?"

"You know, you're a dick." She smirks at me while looking at me straight in the eyes. The boys look between Lana and me, trying to see who wins. I shift my gaze down to her perfect, full lips where a victorious smirk starts to grow. "Oh, I didn't get your names," she says.

"I'm Noah,"

"I'm Ayato."

"Well, it's nice to meet you guys. I guess I'll catch you all tomorrow," she says while standing upright as the bell rings. How did she know lunch was over?

"Oh, and Zach," She calls over her shoulder, "call her." She waits for him to nod then turns and heads out the lunchroom.

[word count 1100]

In My Time of Dyingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن