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I'll be in the middle of cleaning my favorite rifle when they find me. An Arctic Warfare Magnum, or AWM I'd taken from a UK sniper I'd been forced to kill by HYDRA. Damn, I love that gun. I hear one of them land on the roof, two by the door, and I see another on the roof of a nearby apartment building. Why would the government, or even HYDRA, send so few people after me? Then it hits me. They're sending the mother fucking avengers after me. The team was probably all assassins and super soldiers. The winter soldier among them. I open my eyes, exiting the vision. I stand up and put the rifle back together. There's no way in hell I'm going back to any form of government. I'll be experimented on, and put down. I slip on a jacket to hide my soulmarks and start packing my bags and strapping knives on me. I fit fifteen. Not bad, but not good, either. All of my handguns, in the bag. Katanas? Don't worry about it. Vibranium, Wakanda made. The former black widow who'd given them to me was also the one who freed me from HYDRA's control. Yelena. My phone vibrates in my pocket. Yelena had texted me. She has the perfect timing.

The Avengers are coming for you. Don't run from them, or fight them. My sister is with them, tell her that Yelena is on your side.

Why the hell do they know where I am, and why should I trust them? Trusting the government was what got me kidnapped by HYDRA in the first place.

Just trust me. You won't regret it.

I sigh in annoyance. Yelena just had to be cryptic. I continue packing my bags, on edge. I get the feeling that the avengers are good people with good intentions, but they work for SHIELD. A branch of government. I rub my left shoulder. My soul mark on that shoulder occasionally got really cold or sent out waves of pain. A faint scar went all the way around my shoulder. The red, palm-sized star was proof that I actually had a soul and heart. My other mate's mark was a red, white, and blue star on my right shoulder. Very patriotic. Then, I hear someone land on my roof. At the same time, two people were walking up to my door. I look out the window. Aaaaaaand there's someone on the roof. The avengers were here for me.

"Yesli khochesh' so mnoy pogovorit', Natashe Romanovoy nuzhno postuchat' v dver'," I yell. (if you want to talk to me, Natasha Romanoff needs to knock on the door.) A few seconds later, I hear her knock on the door. "Come in." She opens the door.

Beautiful, lithe, elegant, intelligent, deadly. The black widow was average height, pale skin, and red hair. Dressed in a tight black bodysuit, I could see every curve. She was incredibly sexy, to say the least. 

"Scarlet fox." The greeting was simple. An acknowledgment of what I was, and what I was capable of. Of the fact, she was very, very worried that this would turn into a fight.

"What is it that you want from me, miss Romanoff? I've made no assassinations since I broke from HYDRA," my Russian accent was strong, from the time I'd spent with HYDRA. The memory wipes made sure of that. She shifted uncomfortably.

"You were an assassin five times more efficient than the winter soldier, that's going to make anyone uncomfortable-"

"I have Yelena on my side." her completely neutral face morphed into shock. She shoved me against the wall, knife at my throat.

"How do you know Yelena?! Where is she?" I smirk.

"You would know if you would talk to your poor sister.'' The knife was pressed harder against my throat, drawing blood.

"Your sister spoke a lot of you, but she never told me you were this kinky, Romanoff. Do you mind taking this to the bedroom?" I smirk as her face turns bright red. I decide to stop giving her a hard time. "Your sister was the one who helped me escape HYDRA. I was under mind control far worse than the winter soldier. It was very similar to what the red room used after you left." she stares into my eyes for a second, then lets me down.

"Get your things, we're taking you back to Stark Tower. You shouldn't get too much trouble since you decided to cooperate. But I'm going to need to cuff you." I raise an eyebrow. We both knew they wouldn't do anything if I really wanted to leave.

"Fine, fine," I sigh. After she cuffs me, she links her arm with mine and we start to leave. "How long until we get to the tower..." I trail off as my marks start to burn. "Um, who are you with?" She gives me a look.

"Hawkeye, Captain America, and Sergeant Barnes. Why?"

"Do they have stars? Any stars at all?" I start panicking, and it shows. She looks concerned.

"Yeah, they do. Barnes had a red star on his left shoulder. The vibranium one. Steve's star is on his shield." I close my eyes. Why me? Why was I the one they were assigned? it's not that I didn't want them, I was just scared of what they would think of me. They deserve better. Natasha's concern doubles. "Why are you asking about the stars?" Wordlessly, I slide the jacket off my shoulders, revealing the two marks on my shoulders. Her eyes widen.

"Nat, what's taking you so long? She's cooperating with you, isn't she? Hurry-" the man stops talking when he sees me with my jacket off, and my soulmarks. I recognize him as hawkeye. His face breaks into a grin.

"So this is the missing piece they've been muttering about? Girl, they haven't even met you and they're hooked. Don't worry about it. My name's Clint by the way." he stretches out his hand. I hold up my cuffed hands.

"Hunter. I would shake your hand, but I don't do tricks anymore. Plus I physically can't," I snark. He looks surprised for a moment, then laughs.

"You're snarky, I like it. It'll be good for them," I start panicking.

"I can't see them." the assassins look at me strangely.

"There's only one car, you have to. Besides, they're your mates." At this point, I'm about to have an anxiety attack.

"Please. I can't see them. I'm begging you. Send me to the raft, kill me, experiment on me, I don't care. Just don't make me see them," I beg. I collapse, unable to breathe. Clint comes up and squats down. He lifts his hand, and I flinch so badly I fall back and hit my head on the corner of my coffee table, and everything immediately goes black.

when I was older (stucky x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora