Chapter 21: During-Chaos

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"Just announce it," I spoke up. He didn't seem to hear me, his thoughts too loud to interpret. So, I repeated myself, "Just tell them I'll be your partner."

"What?" Caiden's eyes shot open, and his mouth turned slightly agape as his head swiveled around to glance at me. My eyes quickly darted around the balcony, already knowing but making sure that there were no other voices that would overhear us, and slightly grateful for the fact that we were a good enough distance away, and the band was far too loud, for anyone below to hear our conversation.

"I mean, it was your plan all along, right? To announce me as your partner?" I asked. Caiden and I watched each other, Caiden checking to see any emotion on my face and me watching for his response. His eyes seem to dance in and out of focus, as he struggled with his thoughts and questions bubbling to the surface. Then, a few moments later, I watched as a flush spread across his cheeks, and his head turned back to the crowd before him, but his gaze was mainly focused on the floor.

"How... how did you know?" his voice was a shameful whisper. I let out a small, amused, chuckle.

"How could I not?" I answered, debating how much I should reveal about it. Would he find it strange that I knew so much about him? Would it make him uncomfortable? "We spend every day with each other. I watch your interactions with others and know that you haven't had contact with anyone else who wasn't a business partner. You hate just about everyone and barely let anyone enter your bedroom other than me. Oh, and of course, the most obvious thing," I leaned down, close to his ear, "I don't believe people give their bodyguards matching outfits." My voice was teasing, barely able to contain itself due to the notion that he didn't believe that I would find out about this situation. "Or matching jewelry for that matter." His right hand twitched on the armrest as if he was struggling against himself to touch his ear as I pulled away. A flush spread from his cheeks to the tips of his ears as he cleared his throat.

"I... I never meant for it..." he trailed off, but I knew what he was trying to say. I never meant for it to get this far; I didn't want this to happen. His brain probably only managed to come up with a plan to this point. Considering he was such an anxious individual; I couldn't understand why his brain only managed to get this far in his plans. He usually planned everything to the best of his ability, and I would assume he would have backup ideas if things didn't go over for this particular plan.

"You didn't think about anything else? Why?" I asked, genuinely curious. However, at my question, the flush spread once more over Caiden's face and then danced down his neck, his head swiftly finding itself looking at his feet so his hair would hide the blush that crept forward. I frowned at his response, not completely understanding the situation and a little irritated that it had led to this point. However, after a few beats of nothing being said, I realized that he had no intention of answer my question, so I just ignored it. "Whatever let's just say you had your reasons. Regardless, what should we do now? Your plan fell through, so, you should probably just tell them that I'll be your partner."

"Wouldn't that be hard on you?" Caiden spoke up finally, however, his head remained down. I sighed and shrugged, though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Well, it's not like you can't just revoke it later. It is an official ceremony, but I'm sure you don't actually want me as your partner." At that, Caiden's head made its way up to look at me, but instead of a bashful expression, he had one of sadness, almost betrayal. Like I had said something wrong to him, but after looking over what I had said to him in the past few minutes, I only came up with respectful responses. Which meant, I didn't believe I had said anything wrong, let alone deserve this look from him.

He continued to stare at me with that saddened expression, enough so that it turned my stomach and begged me to get rid of it. Instead of apologizing though, I cleared my throat. "What?" Caiden continued to watch me for a moment more before his face turned to one of apathy, and he turned to look back at the crowd, his whole body sighing heavily.

"Nothing." He whispered, disheartened. Something in me almost spoke up, to ask what was really wrong, but spoke up, not allowing me to say anything else. "I'm thirsty." His statement shocked me slightly, enough to where I didn't know what to say for a moment. But I composed myself and nodded.

"Of course, should I get you some water?" I asked. He shook his head and sighed, before standing up and turning to look at the stairs. "I'll get it." I trailed behind him as he walked down the stairs, the looks of those below us watching his every move and gossiping slightly as he walked down. I made sure to stick close to him, even though it seemed like he wanted to shake me and everyone else off who surrounded him. He managed to make it to the dining table with little to no fuss, and his hands were just about to reach for a glass of champagne, something that I had never seen him drink before when a sharp shout bounced off the walls of the ballroom. His fingers twitched lightly against the stem of the glass as my hand found its way against his lower back, my eyes quickly scanning the scene around me.

Just to my left, almost out of view, black smoke rose in the air, about 10 feet of the ground; higher than any person could reach it. It then turned into the shape of an oval, before blue sparks, almost like lightly, fanned out and toward the middle of the oval, forming a sort of portal. Then, a curled grey paw poked its way through, followed by a blackish snout and yellow-colored eyes.

They're here.

A high-pitched scream came from my right, and I noticed that two more portals popped up with beings pouring forth. Chaos ensued as people started to run for the doors while mages and knights poured through the doors to go after demons that started to spawn. I could feel Caiden's tenseness beneath me as my eyes rapidly glanced around, wondering what to do. Luckily, I didn't have to think that hard.

"Alan!" Directly in front of us, towards the balcony doors that lead to the garden, was Akan, his bright red hair half tied up in a loose bun and the ends of his long hair slightly curled. He wore eyeliner in a gold shade, and his suit consisted of a black shirt and red coat, pants, and shoes. Looks like the mages were allowed to wear whatever they wanted tonight, and Nene helped Akan dress. "Hurry!" Akan called out, causing me to snap from my thoughts. My right arm wrapped around Caiden's waist and I, sort of, dragged him out of his rigid stance. His feet were clumsy, as he struggled to cope with the situation that was occurring. But finally, his feet started, and he was able to run on his own, but I grabbed his hand just in case, to ensure that he wouldn't slip away, as we trailed after Akan into the night. 


Hey guys! Saph here! I managed to get a little break from classes and decided to write! I'm not sure if it exactly lives up to my standards, but if something changes, I'll let you all know! I can't believe that we are finally getting up to the part that I have been waiting for! What do you guys think will happen? Do you have any idea who the traitor is? I wonder...

As always, I hope you all enjoyed my chapter! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Please remember to drink some water, eat, and give yourself breaks. Life is hard, but we've got this. Stay safe, and I'll see you next time!

The Apathetic Mage Loves CatsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ