Provenance part 4

Start from the beginning

"Okay, that right there is the creepiest thing I've ever seen." Sarah spoke.

The Winchesters looked up at her to see her looking at a doll in one of the cases.

"It was sort of a tradition at the time." Sam said. "Whenever a child died, sometimes they'd preserve the kids favorite toy in a glass case, put it next to the headstone in the crypt." He explained.

Alison looked up at dean.

"Daddy, you know I love my teddy bear, but please don't do that." Alison told him.

"You have nothing to worry about, because you're not dying any time soon." Dean said as Sam passed her over to him.

"Promise?" Alison asked him, holding up her pinky.

"I promise." Dean linked his pinky to hers.

Alison smiled as Dean kissed her cheek. Sarah and Sam smiled at them. Dean looked around.

"You guys notice anything strange here?" He asked.

"Uh, where do I start?" Sarah questioned.

"No, that's not what I mean." Dean said as Sam smiled at Sarah. "Look at the urns."

Sam and Sarah looked at them.

"Yeah, there are only four." Sam said.

"Yeah, mom and the three kids. Daddy's dearest isn't here." Dean stated, adjusting Alison in his arms.

"So where is he?" Alison asked. "I'm not playing hide and seek with no ghost." She crossed her arms.

"You aren't gonna have anything to do with this ghost, you understand me?" Dean told her.

Alison huffed.


"So, what exactly is your brother doing in there?" Sarah asked Sam as Alison and Dean had gone into the building.

"Searching county death certificates." Sam told her. "Trying to find out what happened to Isaiahs body."

"How's he even get in the door?" Sarah asked.

"Lying a subterfuge, mostly." Sam chuckled. "You have a, um— you have an eyelash on your..." Sam trailed off.

Sarah reached up to get it off, but she missed.

"You have it right— no. Uh, you know what?" Sam laughed as Sarah giggled. "Do you mind if I—"


"Okay." Sam reached up to remove the eyelash. "Okay, I got it. Make a wish." He held it up.

Sarah chuckled before blowing the eyelash off of Sams finger.

Sam smiled lightly.

"Sam, can I ask you something?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, sure." Sam nodded.

"I don't mean to be forward, but a girl could wait here forever. Is there something here between us, or am I delusional?" Sarah asked him.

"You're not delusional." Sam told her.

"But there's a but coming." Sarah stated.

"But..." Sam started. "I don't think this would be a good idea." He said.

"Can I ask why?" Sarah asked.

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