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That evening I began to get myself settled in my dormitory. The ornate designs and muted lighting made me tired, but I wanted to get unpacked as quickly as possible. Before I could even get through one tote bag, there was a shuffle of footsteps climbing up the stairs. The door swung open and the girls laughter stopped almost immediately.

"Oh, it's you," Pansy said, skewing her face up in a grimace. "I can't believe you're the one moving into the spare bed."

I looked at the other two girls and instantly felt unwell. The fact that my new 'home' was now being shared with the few people at Hogwarts who already disliked me made Slytherin even more unbearable. I turned my attention to the two new girls whom I didn't know.

Reaching out my hand, I began to introduce myself. "My name is Adeline DuPont, I just moved here from-"

"Beauxbatons, we know," Pansy rolled her eyes. "You're all anyone can talk about. Why did you move here anyway?" She questioned.

"There was.. a change in my career studies." I could immediately see her eyebrows begin to raise as she began internally questioning my explanation. Before she could further interrogate me, I chipped in one last time. "The professors at Hogwarts are widely known. I begged them to transfer me so I could learn under some of your professors here. My mother always said the best way to become an expert on a subject was to learn it from different people."

Pansy's nose stuck up slightly and her friends exchanged glances with one another. "And what subject are you dying to get a new perspective on?" She asked.

"Potions." It was the first one to slip out, although I was mildly disappointed that Professor Snape would be the one teaching it.

Pansy scoffed a little bit and crossed her arms. She was leaning against the bed post while her friends moved to their own beds. "Are you any good?"

I shrugged. "I'd like to believe so." I said.

"Well we'll see on Monday then." She said before turning and changing for the night. I ought to do the same, I don't think I'll be exploring much more for my first night here.

Pansy and her friends quickly went and ignored me for the remainder of the night. Hours passed and eventually the girls called lights out but I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned and eventually decided a stroll in the common room wouldn't hurt. My hair was pulled back in a loose low bun and I grabbed a night robe to cover myself with. Some may consider it old fashioned, but I prefer to sleep with night gowns rather than a modern sleep set. I quietly slipped on my new Slytherin slippers, courtesy of Hogwarts itself, and made my way out to the common room. It was darker than before and the only light glowing was from the fire place where a figure sat. Their head was buried deep in their hands and they were as still as a marble stature. I paused at the end of the corridor and debated whether I should continue forward.

This surely couldn't be worse than laying still in my bed while staying silent listening to Pansy's snores.

I quietly made my way over to him. "Do you mind if I join you?" I asked. "I couldn't sleep."

Quickly his head turned to look at me and my body stood still.

"I was just leaving," Draco muttered, grabbing at his things hurriedly. I didn't even realize he had books and papers sprawled out around him.

"I'm sorry, if you were working on homework I'll leave." I said. He looked so bothered and now I was second guessing whether enduring Pansy's snores were really that bad.

He seemed to hesitate for a second before closing the buttons on his satchel. "Why can't you sleep?" He asked, standing.

I shrugged softly and looked at the fire. "It's so cold and dark. Plus my flatmates snore," I said, hoping to get a smile out of him. He merely scoffed and stood up, still not bothering to look me in the face. When he still didn't say anything I tightened the grip on my night robe and began to head back.

Love & Leather | A Draco Malfoy RomanceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя