Episode 1 - Reborn

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry..."

"Yes!! All you do is apologize!"

"What is he supposed to say besides sorry? My god.." says Kazushi rubbing his head

"Poor Takemitchy" says Mitsuya while smiling nervously

Takemichi scratches a car with a coin. "Go die rich people"

"I know how you feel." said Atsushi and sighed at the same time

'I had never thought things would turn out like this...'

"Oi!! AGH this was 80,000 bucks!"

Takemichi runs away. 'I mean my life'

"It seems pretty boring." yawned Baji who leant against the wall trying to not fall asleep.

Takemichi is now at the train station, waiting for his train.

"I live in a beat-up apartment with thin walls. My manager is 6 years younger and treats me like an idiot. I've only ever had one girlfriend. And that was in middle school. I've never had anything perfect. Where did I go wrong?"


"What is it Mikey?" asked Chifuyu while turning his head towards him

"So that means they broke up? He said during middle school, not since middle school."

"..." Hina only sat there in silence not knowing what to say. She already cried but couldn't help tearing up a bit again. She wanted to stay with Takemichi. She wanted them to stay together until they marry and even further.

"Maybe this will explain everything." said Yuzuha who pointed at the screen.

Someone pushes Takemichi so he falls into the train track.


The train drives in his direction, fast.

"TAKEMITCHY!" is the only thing that everyone yelled

"Oi what is this?!" yelled Draken clearly upset

"He can't die here!" yelled Atsushi who was very worried about the well-being of his friend.

"No way"

He thinks of Hina

'The instant when I thought "I'm going to die." I didn't think of my family or friends. I thought of Tachibana Hinata'

Hina didn't know how to feel. She felt blessed and emotional that he thought of her before anyone else in such a situation but at the same time she couldn't bring herself to be happy. Her boyfriend is about to die, how is she supposed to celebrate the fact that she is on his mind?

'When I think about it now, then middle school grade 2 was my heyday.'

Different scenes played one after another.

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