Chp. 3: Back to Hell They Go

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Crammed with trailers, AAV's and a jeep, a giant boat splashed through five-foot ocean swells towards Isla Sorna. While everyone else was moving about getting things ready for when they would anchor near the dock, Victoria stood in the bow, her satellite phone held to her ear as she watched her surroundings.

"So, all this time," a voice sounded from the other end of the line, "Mark had another island for breeding dinosaurs that he kept secret?"

"Ridiculous, right?" Victoria responded. "Claims he's righting his wrongs by not putting them behind electric fences this time. It's bad enough there are more of these things running around. I didn't need my crazy ass girlfriend frolicking freely with them – by herself – to be added onto it."

"If Mani and I didn't have our hands full with this recent dig, we'd be there with you to help."

"I know, Dimples," Victoria smiled. "But there's no use in all of the best scientific minds in the world being in danger again. Just know that if I die on this god-forsaken best moments were spent laid up with you and Pretty Brown Eyes in that big bed of yours..."

"You're so dramatic," another voice sounded.

Victoria laughed at the comment.

"Aww come on, gorgeous. You have to admit that was a fun night..."

"I don't think we could deny that if we tried," Normani said. "Just try not to get yourself hurt this time."

"Yeah," Dinah chuckled. "Cause we won't be there to help."

Victoria chuckled before sheepishly ducking her head down.

"It's not me that we should be worried about this time," she said. "But I'll do my best not to get hurt, nonetheless."

She smiled when she heard the two women's laughter.

"Please be safe, Vic," Dinah said.

"And let us know when ya'll get back," Normani finished.

"I give you my word," Victoria said smoothly.

After she hung up the phone, the young scientist looked out onto her horizons and finally saw the place where her and the rest of the team were to dock. But sudden yammering pulled her attention away from the site and to her right, seeing Nick go back and forth with the captain of the boat while he held a protective hold on his son's shoulders. Victoria walked over to them.

"What's going on?"

"He says he wants to anchor a few miles offshore," Nick answered. "He's heard too many stories about this island chain."

Victoria looked at the elderly man warily.

"What kind of stories?"

"Que tipo de cuentos?" Nick translated to the captain.

"De pescadores," the captain replied with urgency. "Que acercaron demasiado a las islas y nunca volvieron."

"Stories about fisherman who came too close to the islands," Nick translated to Victoria, "and they never returned."

The captain continued with the stories he's heard, Nick translating every sentence.

"He says he has the radio and the satellite phone. If you need him, send him a call. They can be back here in two hours, but he won't stay in this place. They call them..."

Nick stopped mid-sentence and looked at the captain in mild shock.

"...Las Cinco Muertes?" he asked.

Jurassic Park II: The Lost World (Victoriana)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora