DC OC Lone Wolf

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Full name : Andrew Alexander Grey 

age: 18

Hieght: 5'11 Inches

blood type: B+

Ethnicity: American, Hawaiian, Puerto Rican 

Hero Name: Lone Wolf

Hometown: Hilo Hawaii, Los Angeles California USA 

Hero Armor :

MK1 assault Armor aka ARC Trooper armor(Main armor he uses):



MKII Commando Heavy Assault Contingency Armor  aka Commando Armor:


but with this paint job 


Allies: Superman, Harley Quinn,  Blue Beetle, Red Hood, Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman, Jinx, Beast boy , Robin

Neutral: Batman 

Enemies: Reverse Flash, Calypso (will reveal in the rp ), Sweet Tooth (Will reveal in the Rp), Doomsday,  Mammoth, Gizmo, Joker, Amanda Waller, Cadmus 

Crush: your oc or if cannon character's: Blackfire, Cheetah,  Phantom Girl,  Jinx, Harley Quinn

abilities: Master in Wing Chung, Hawaiian Martial arts, Boxing, excellent marksman,  fluent in spanish, German, Fluent in automotive, Weapon, and aircraft engineering and design 

MKI Armor Abilites: the armor was made with a titanium, Carbon Fiber , and Aluminon mix of his own invention and design cutting edge body armor 0 penetration from conventional small arms rounds but quite painful still as he still feels the full force of each round hitting him 

Helmet: has a  built in CPU that when activated temporary can reveal enemies heat signatures through solid materials for a bit of time, due to how much power it takes it can only be activated through brief periods of time,  the Helmet also has a a built in combat AI, that can scan enemies fighting patterns in real time and breifly take control over the suit and use there pattern against them if he cannot take them onhand to hand as well

Gloves: Gloves have a unique System that allows him using a unique pressure like system and can allow him to increase the strength of his punches for as strong as 3500 PSI (strong enough to punch through steel and concrete) on command 

Boots: Boots have a special type of magnetic that when activated can allow him to walk up walls and ceelings if needed flaw is the magnets can sometimes be to strong and can cause him to walk a bit slower

MKII Commando Amor abilities:

Made now with a tungsten, carbonfiber and titanium alloy armor is a bit heavier but can take way more punishment to the point where he can withstand tank rounds at point blank range but still feel the force of the round but with no penetration, 

Gloves Ability: Repulsor Blast. This is a short-range shockwave blast, slightly akin to a Jedi's Force Push ability, that temporarily disorients enemies and either knocks or throws them back with brute force  also has a retratable blade made out of titanium as well , gloves also have a hidden compartment that can be activated by Andrew revealing kypotonize spiked brass knuckles incase he ever had to fight superman, supergirl, or any kryptonian needed 

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