(Chapter 8) Traumatized

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It's been days since that incident happened, you've been curious on who did this to him. Of course, you're still traumatized, you also noticed that everyone has been devastated ever since they heard the terrible news. Right now, you're walking in the hallways of the school. You see the butlers talking together infront of principal's office, you decide to walk up to them. "Uh... Hey guys" you said, "Hey y/n" Ashe sighed, "I cannot believe something like this would happen to him.." Brandon said, "Right? Who did this to him anyway...?" Demetrius said, feeling sad and confused. "Wait, where's Adam?" You asked, "He told us that he'll be taking a break for a bit cuz of THAT incident" Ashe answered, "Oh alright... I don't blame him for taking a break and stuff" you said, in the middle of the conversation. The school bell starts ringing, you say goodbye to the butlers and go to your locker. It's chemistry class already so you grab your chemistry book. As you enter the classroom, you noticed your friend isn't with you, so you take your phone out and start texting her. "Hey, just asking but where are you? Are you absent or in a different class? Cuz usually during chemistry you're always there with me" You asked, "Well yea, i have to take a break from school cuz of... Zed's death" she replied, "Okay... Just wanna let you know that I'm not mad, i don't blame you for being absent, it's fine" you said, you say goodbye to her and start doing your work in the classroom.

*Few classes later*

It's lunch time, but you didn't feel hungry so you didn't eat anything during that time. You received a text from the cheerleaders. You take your phone out and check the message. "Hi y/n, just wanna let you know that we MIGHT have to cancel the performance for.. obvious reasons, we hope you understand" Jordan said, "Ah no worries, it's ok, i completely understand" you replied, after talking to them. Since it's still lunch, you decide to stay in your dorm. Waiting for the next class to start.

*To be continued*

RH butlers x y/n (REMAKE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora