The only difference in Ariel and Arjun was, Ariel brings happiness in our face by giving a nice, clean dress while Arjun takes off our happiness from our face by giving a deadly glare 🦧.

In the last chapter.....he completed his Pov by saying that we both were enjoying the night, right!?


It's a big BIG LIE!

I, being a fool, believed my husband to be very caring and loving....

But that DEVIL!

You wanna know what he did!?

He spoke with me, lovingly and after sometimes got up to leave the place.
Me being his wife stood up after him.

Cause who knows, this Devil might leave me all alone in this scary forest!

I stood up and was correcting my dress and that's when I lost balance and did a tribal dance just like how I did that day in the kitchen.

My heart stopped.

I screamed and he started laughing.

Let his mouth be plastered and let him not be able to open his mouth for the next few years.

Tears ran down my eyes.

Not real ones tho!

But I was really angry with him.
What would've happened if I by mistake have fallen down from the hill?!.

Will he go convince all my crush?

They doesn't even know me.

Looking at my tears he stopped laughing and started asking number of 'sorry'.

I shouted at him and made my way towards the car and shut the door close. He came jogging behind me and entered the driver seat.
I turned my face against him and looked out the window.

A few minutes passed.

I didn't dare to open my mouth, neither did he.

The car stopped.
I looked out to see an icecream shop.

All my Anger vanished away.

And..... let me give you a kind information. All my fake tears and anger mood was just for him to buy me icecream.

Cause, I know. Whenever we both had a fight. He buys me icecream just to convince me.


He opened the car and made his way towards the shop. After few minutes came back with a cover.
I turned to him with a puppy face but he ignored it and started eating the icecream.

My heart broke.

I told you right, he's the opposite of Ariel! being the Great Sana, I ignored him eating it.
That day, he did the same thing to the pizza. Now he's doing the same to my icecream.

I ignored him and looked out the window.

I see left, I see icecream shop. I see right, I see my husband eating icecream.

Look at my situation!

Sad thing, I didn't have money with me.

Closing my eyes tightly, I sat there.
That's when I felt someone tap my shoulders.

I opened my eyes to see Arjun's hand infront of me. But his eyes were fixed on his icecream and his other hand was feeding himself.

I looked at him confused and shifted my eyes to his hand, infront of me.
A box was in his hand.
I ignored him and turned my face.
As soon as I did that, I felt a weight on my lap. I opened my eyes and looked down to see the box on my lap and Arjun was eating peacefully, not bothering about anything.

His PRINCESS ~ Her DEVIL Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora