In short, it's just making a fool of yourself.

"The most funny thing is that the more he does, the more mistakes he makes. The screen is full of red and he has the most red." If the rate of wrong questions is selected, Gao Zifan is definitely the number one deserved.

"But this is not the most absolute. Do you know what is the most amazing?" The other people got more and more enthusiastic and said to Gu Xi: "The results of the competition over the years, including everyone's score, can now be found. "

"By the way, Gu Xi, you are too awesome."

People from other schools didn't know that the legendary "Lin Xi" who scored the highest score last year was Gu Xi. But because of the relationship between Liming's two brain-deads, the people in High School A knew that Lin Xi was Gu Xi.

At this moment, I was impressed by Gu Xi.

"It's obviously that Gao Zifan dragged you down, and he still has the face to blame you for influencing him!" Someone complained.

"That's right, I guess Liming's group also checked the scores of you and that Gao Zifan last year, and now they feel embarrassed and dare not look at you."

Is it?

Gu Xi glanced at the position of those people in Liming again, and sure enough, the heads of those people were buried lower.

At this moment, a tall boy who was in the third grade of the Ming Dynasty suddenly stood up, walked to Gu Xi's side, buried it, and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you last year."

Thinking of what happened last year, now the tall boy is angry and embarrassed-he also participated in the league last year. After the scores of the last game came out, Gao Zifan secretly told them that the scores were so low because Gu Xi did not cooperate with him. Two people did repeated questions, and because one person's error rate was too high, the final total score was very low.

At that time, everyone almost stood by Gao Zifan's side without even thinking about it, thinking that Gu Xi had no sense of teamwork and was dragging his feet, so they squeezed out Gu Xi together.

Who would have thought that the truth would be exactly the opposite of what they thought.

When I took it for granted, my face hurts now.

When the boy finished speaking, he didn't dare to watch Gu Xi again, and left the waiting area without looking back, and did not wait for Gao Zifan and Yu Fangfang, who had not yet finished the game.

Until the end of the competition, the entire answering system was closed, and Gao Zifan had to end the answering. He threw away the pen unwillingly, crumpled a pile of scratch paper in front of him and threw it away, and then the staff repeatedly reminded him to follow The rest of the people left the field together.

Gao Zifan felt very bad in this game. Although he doesn't know the score yet, he can also feel that his performance is out of order, even worse than last year.

Last year was because of Gu Xi's influence, and this year is the same.

Thinking about the comparison with Gu Xi's, Gao Zifan felt nervous in his heart, and the more nervous he was, the more he made a mess.

"damn it!"

Gao Zifan cursed in a dark face.

Before entering the staging area, Gao Zifan reluctantly put away the ugly expression on his face, and thought of a comment in his mind.

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