S1 ⊰|33|⊱ The Actual Beginning

Start from the beginning

"What did I ever hide from you?" She was confused.

A few moment ago everything seemed perfect and normal. She was going to do bungee jumping for him too...then what is he talking about?

He took a step closer to her and held her shoulders...This time, gently.

Swara had to tilt her neck to look into his eyes as he seemed like Qutub Minar in front of her.

"I never ever...wanted you to become like Avni." His words seemed concerning, like he genuinely meant it.

Swara broke the eye contact...looking here and there.

H-how did he..?; Swara wondered.

Kunal was not able to digest the fact that she wanted to be Avni...He never forced Avni's ideology on her, but looks like his actions didn't say so.

"Look at me, Dr. Swarishka." His voice was commanding.

She slowly lifted her head to look into his eyes.

"Avni and I had been together for eight years. It is not at all easy for me to forget her just like that. Mentioning her sometimes does not mean I am looking for her in you." Kunal's words were affecting her.

Her chest was rising and falling like she was about to cry but resisted.

"Wh-why are we talking about this Dr. Kun-" 

"Because I want you to know that I am not trying to make you Avni. I have accepted you the way you are. you became a part of this family the day you agreed for the wedding even after knowing I have a son. Please, for god sake don't think we want you to become Avni and I am extremely sorry, if my family ,my son or even....I  made it look so."

Swara felt overjoyed hearing this. She did not like the comparisons but Kunal just mentioning it made her feel understood.

"Thank you! Dr. Kunal." She said and turned around to leave when he interrupted her again.

"Not yet Dr. Swara" He stated making Swara stop in her tracks.

"I talked about Avni and Bungee Jumping to see if you would actually do anything if I took her name and unfortunately, I was right!... I am sorry if I ever made you feel less than Avni but trust me, that was not my intention."

"Please be yourself...you are a Roy Chand too. I want you to be comfortable around me." He concluded.

Swara felt relieved hearing this. She needed to hear that she was amazing the way she was. Maybe now, she would drop the idea of being like Avni.

"Thank you, Dr. Kunal! I think I needed to hear this." She said.

"I didn't say all this for the sake of saying...I said it because...I-I want to get to know you Dr. Swarishka Kunal Roy Chand." The moment these words left Kunal's mouth, Swara spun around in shock.

"You know about Avni, Aarav and me....I want to know about you. I want to know who you were before Becoming Swarishka Roy Chand, I want to know what your favorite color is, I want to know what do you like besides your profession, I also want to know why you chose this profession..." Swara couldn't help but smile at the thought of Kunal trying to get along with her.

 She never planned to fall in love again but does falling in love follow a plan?

"....I want to know why you get those anxiety attacks..." Swara's smile disappeared hearing those words. The worst thing for her was to talk about her anxiety  or....

"...I want to know who-who Vansh was and wh-who was is he to you..." 


Swara began walking backwards the moment he mentioned Vansh.

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