Chapter 3: Prince?!?

Start from the beginning

"I want to."


“I want to know you.”



Such a simple question.

And Dean couldn’t answer.


(Castiel's POV)


"Why?" Castiel asked. Why would the prince want to know him?!? Dean stayed silent. "Exactly." Castiel muttered.

"What- Nonono, I uh- I don't know. But, I just... I just want to know you..."

"Yet you can't answer why?"

"Well, I just feel like I should get to know you... I guess."

Why? Whywhywhy? This boy was a prince! Castiel was just a... Just a fallen angel. Why would he ever want to be even close to Cas?

But maybe his life won't be as bad. Or maybe he'll drag Dean down into all this.

Even with all the bad, Cas had also felt like he needed to know Dean. Strangely so. There was this outside power... Almost heavenly.... Gabriel.

Castiel would finish his chores and then have a talk with his friend, he decided. Until he heard a squeal, it was a good plan.

"Who is this wretched little rat!?" Metatron yelled.

"Let me go! Let me go you big bag of dicks!" Castiel immediately recognized the voice. Crap. Of course nothing would go the Castiel wanted.

"Stop!" Castiel bursted into the room.

"Castiel! Get back to furnishing the house!" Raphael demanded, cracking his knuckles while not moving his gaze from Gabriel.

"Don't yell at Cassie like that!" Gabriel flailed in Metatrons grip.

"You know him?" Uriel turned to Cas.


"Who said you could have friends?" Metatron glared at Gabriel.

Cas never realized a horrified Dean was standing in the doorway until he stepped in to the conversation. "Who said you could be such a- what did you say?" He turned to Gabe.

"A big bag of dicks."

"Yeah, that!"

"Dean, don't get into this!" Cas practically begged.

"No, he's-" Cas quickly made Dean fall asleep.

He sighed. "Gabriel is- wait, what were you doing, Gabriel?"

"I wanted to see you and Dean flirting." Gabe smirked.

"Gabe! There's no 'flirting!'" Cas insisted.

"There better not be, he's a prince." Metatron scowled. "And Cas is not fit to be a prince. Complete filth."

"Woah! Cassie is not filth! You, though, you're filth."

"Gabriel! I think you've done enough!” He turned to Metatron. “H-he didn't mean it." He tried to beg for forgiveness with his eyes.

"Oh, I meant it! All of it!"

"Not helping." Cas hissed.

"I think we could live with one less angel." Metatron slid out his angel blade.

Castiel's whole body wanted to rush and help Gabriel, but fear made him stay put.

"What? No holy oil?" Gabriel smirked as he disappeared.

Cas' step-brothers looked ready to follow, but Metatron spoke up. "Don't bother following him. He's not worth it." Cas stiffened as Metatron turned towards him. "I expect you'll never speak to that rat again, right 'Cassie?'" All Castiel could do was nod. "Good. Now wake him up." He pointed to Dean. "And erase his memories."

Cas bent down to Dean, waking him up, and erasing memories of what had just happened.


"Dean? Are you okay?!" Cas asked worriedly, like he didn't already know Dean was fine.

"I'm fine... what happened?"

"I don't know. I just found you." Castiel hated lying, in general, but he would hate it even more if Metatron made his life a living Hell.

“Oh.” Is all Dean said.


(Dean’s POV)

Dean was racking his brain, trying to remember what had happened. He had been moving furniture in with Cas and then… blank.

“Uh, so, is all the furniture moved in, now?” Dean wanted to move on from this.

“Yes.” Cas walked out of the front door.

“CASTIEL!” A loud booming yell came from the kitchen.

“What, Metatron?” Castiel shrunk.

Metatron walked out into the living room and looked at Dean, then back at Cas. “Make sure Prince Dean gets home.” He glared at Castiel as if saying ‘or else’.

Dean didn’t like that, and was about to speak up, when Cas rushed him out the door. “Hey! Stop!” Castiel dropped his hands to his sides.

“Metatron was pretty mean to you.”

“He… he may seem like that. He’s just strict, but he’s, uh, he’s okay.” Cas told him. But it didn’t reassure Dean everything was alright. He already had a bad feeling about Metatron, he didn’t know why, but now it seems more logical. Dean was suspicious.

Once they were in the forest, Dean spoke up. “Are we going to draw?” Cas, who was staring at his feet the whole time, glanced up.

“You ask a lot of questions.”



“...I might get in trouble if I’m out too long. I should just bring you to the castle.”

“I don’t want to go home.” Dean pouted. He really didn’t want to go to a stupid ball to find a stupid girl to be his stupid princess.



“Now who’s asking questions?” Cas smiled.

“Still you.”


Cas drew a little longer, but soon, he stopped. “I think you should get to the castle now. I need to go home, as well.”

“Okay, okay. But I can manage on my own, just go home. And… can we do this again? You still need to finish our- uh, your- drawing.”

Cas nodded, smiling. “I would like that, Dean.”

“Well, see ya, then, Cas.”

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