Chapter 16

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I guess I should explain what they did to me. Stacey and Hannah and I were best friends for years. My parents started fighting bad about a year before my brother died. My dad would go into fits or rage for no reason. I thought that these two people I loved so much were really my best friends, but I was wrong. They would talk about me and tell horrible lies about me. They would go all over school (the lies) and I never thought that my "best friends" would ever hurt me. I was wrong. They pulled a horrible prank on me. I had a car, a nice one. I woke up on a Saturday morning and my dad started yelling at me. I got scared. He asked me when I planned on telling him that my car was ruined. I went out to the garage. My car had been damaged and someone had brought it back into the garage. I know it sounds ridiculous but it happened. In my heart I knew they did this to me. I just didn't want to believe it. They did much worse later on. They were cruel. I was just a dumb puppy who followed them around. Know I am a strong wolf. I don't need them and I don't think I will ever forgive them for what they did. But, I had always wanted to help people and I believe this is the reason I helped Hannah.

Hey y'all! This chapter is very short andI know it doesn't really flow well, but I hope you enjoyed it! School has been a pain in the butt lol so I haven't been active lately.
Anyway, I will be writing more soon! Thanks so much for the support, love you guys! 😘😘

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