Quinten and Alora

Start from the beginning

"Oh shit. David why didn't you wake me?"

"Was I supposed to?"

"Yes. I have to go get your daughter and Dwayne's. Shit. I hope she won't be upset I'm an hour late."

"Calm down. Let's both go and you can blame it on me."

"I already planned on that."

We loaded up in my Jeep. Max was still with the boys so we weren't worried about leaving them. I don't know what it was about Max  but he seemed to have this calming effect on Q. We drove to her shop but something didn't feel right.

We opened the door and David's face turned. He looked at me with concern and I smelled it when we got closer to the back room. Blood. Something had happened. He stepped in front of me and lifted the curtain slowly.

"Darci? Baby what did you do?"

"Daddy! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I don't know what happened."

I stepped from behind him. The sight in front of me was terrifying. Darci was covered in blood. Agatha was laying on the ground with multiple bite marks covering her and blood all over her and the floor. But what scared me most was I didn't see Alora.

"Sweetly, where is your sister?"

"I - I don't know. She ran off at some point."

David rushed over to Agatha and checked in her breathing. He was too much in shock to be overcome by bloodlust.

"Darling she's still breathing."

Thankfully, a few months ago I had convicted David to get a cell phone. It was a small one but much needed in emergencies. He, Dwayne, and I all had one. Agatha and Max stuck with their landlines.

"I'll call Dwayne and have him come over here with the boys. I'll watch her and when they get here, we'll take her to a hospital. You need to go look for Alora. I'll get her cleaned up just go baby."

I was in tears. I first checked the bookstore. There was an upstairs apartment much like the one above Max's shop. It was where Agatha lived. I could not find her anywhere in the building.

The next place I looked was the video store and the apartment above it. I had no luck their either. The doors were still locked and I had to use my spare key to get in. Even though I knew she wouldn't be able to get in, I still had to try.

I looked all over the board walk it seemed. I looked down multiple allies and on rides. I was completely beside myself at this point. I had been searching for her for over twenty minutes when I felt hands grab my shoulder.

"Hello Vamp whore. Missing something?"

I was turned around to see a group of men holding my little girl tucked in their jacket and another holding onto me tightly.

"Your men killed our friends a while back. They really shouldn't have done that. Now we'll take something of theirs. You've been hiding for a while but it must be our lucky night."

"Yeah we found this little girl covered in blood that wasn't hers. Must be a vamp kid. Did they turn her and you just for the fun of it?"

"No. She is my daughter. Her grandmother was attacked by something ungodly. I found her in an ally but my little girl was no where to be found."

I lied my ass off hoping these new faces didn't truly know who I was.

"Oh so you're saying you aren't a vamp whore?"

"Vamp whore? Like vampires? What the hell are you guys? Aren't you too old to believe that shit?"

"Stop trying to manipulate us!"

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