chapter 24 ~ 'love sprung from my only hate'

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He immediately lets go, making me sad for a second. But we're not together, we're just going to some stupid party and I know he just wants to 'claim' me and make Theodore jealous.

"Yeah, you are mine and I am claiming you." Mattheo says sternly, with a cold expression on his face.

"Stop with the legilimency Mattheo." I groan. "Your occlumency lessons aren't helping! It's so fucking hard."

"What's so fucking hard?" Enzo asks with a devilish grin.

"Oh shut it Enzo. I'm talking about occlumency. Riddle here tried to teach me but turns out he's just a shit teacher." I sigh.

"You're a shit student."

"Well maybe if you taught properly-"

"Wait, why are you learning occlumency?" Brianna asks.


"Um, so Mattheo can't read my mind." I tell them. "If he gives me occlumency lessons, I give him pussy."

We all start bursting out in laughter apart from Mattheo, of course.

We walk out of the dorm and I stay a good metre from Mattheo, not wanting to be anywhere near him. He's really getting on my nerves, especially when he purposely makes eye contact with me.

Yet I don't know why I still get butterflies around him. I thought I was over him and his bullshit. The rose was kind of cute too... Well, it's time to initiate my plan and make Riddle jelly.

When we enter the Hufflepuff common room, the smell of alcohol and loud noise of music and students hits our senses, causing us to flinch as we open the door.

"Wow, the Slytherin Royals made it!" Cedric Diggory laughs as he approaches us.

"Slytherin Royals?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, that's what everyone is calling you guys." Cedric says as he shakes hands with Mattheo and Enzo. "Oh y/n, Theodore Nott is looking for you."

"Oh ok." I say and make my way through the crowd of students to find him.

Stupidly, Mattheo follows me the whole way and watches as I give Theo a tight hug when I find him.

"What was that for?" He laughs.

"Oh nothing, I just missed you." I smile. "Bestie." I whisper in his ear in case Mattheo hears.

I don't want Theo to think that I like him in that way and then use him to make Mattheo jealous. At least he knows that I only see him as a friend, nothing more. It's Mattheo's problem if he sees it as something else and gets jealous, which he most definitely will.

"Want to dance?" I ask Theo and he places his cup down as I drag him to the dance floor where there's a crowd of drunk students dancing to the song that's playing.

I wrap my arms around Theo's neck and he grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him. We sway to the music and I catch Mattheo at the corner of my eye.

But he's not looking at me, he's looking at Pansy fucking Parkinson. Anger fills up inside of me as I watch him sit down on the leather sofa chair and pull Pansy down onto his lap.

For fucks sake. He's giving her a fucking lap dance.

"Are you ok y/n?" Theo asks me with genuine worry on his face.

"No." I say, my voice shaking slightly in anger. "Pansy fucking Parkinson is giving Mattheo a lap dance."

He turns to look at them.

"I know how you feel but you know that you shouldn't care about him anymore. You can't be with him." He tells me softly.

"I know that, you don't need to remind me."

"I know you still love him, but it's just the way it is. Don't look at him, keep your eyes on me." He tells me in a low voice and I do what he says.

I manage not to take notice of Riddle and actually enjoy the party with Theo, Brie and Enzo. I made Enzo and Theo make up so they're like mates now or whatever.

Theo did tell Enzo that he's a death eater - they're were going to find out eventually, like seeing each other in a death eater meeting or something.

That made me wonder what'll happen if Enzo sees me there too.


"Hey! Slytherin Royals! Come over here." Cedric calls us over.

We head on over to them and they're sat on the sofas surrounding the coffee table. I take notice of who's there - Cedric and Astoria, Draco and Blaise and fucking Pansy and Mattheo.

Enzo and Brie take a seat on the empty sofa so me and Theo sit beside them, as we sit down, Theo places me on his lap like all the other couples are doing.

"Trust me. Mattheo's getting jealous." He whispers in my ear.

"So, ready to play truth or dare?" Cedric tells us.

"Seriously, we're playing truth or dare?" I scoff.

"Yeah, are you pussying out Esmeray?" Astoria laughs and places the bottle on the table.

"Who said I was? I'm ready to play this shit game." I say, leaning back and crossing my arms.

Suddenly, I feel Theo's hard on.

"Sorry." I whisper to him.

"Not your fault." He laughs nervously.

"Well, we'll go first if no one's volunteering." Pansy sighs.

I feel Mattheo's eyes locked on mine as Pansy spins the bottle.

The bottle eventually stops and points to Draco. He also looks jealous because I'm guessing he had a thing for Pansy, but that dream is over now because of Mattheo. Good, because I hate Malfoy.

But I also still love Mattheo so-

"Truth or dare?" Mattheo asks Draco with a smirk.

"Truth." He says.

"Pussy." Mattheo laughs, causing me to giggle slightly.

As I do, I make eye contact with Mattheo. For fucks sake.

"Who here is the most fuckable?" Pansy raises her brows.

Why kind of question is that?

He sits back in his seat and says, "y/n."

"Fuck you Draco." I spit at him.

"What? It's a compliment!" He laughs. "I know from experience." He raises a brow.

"Sorry not sorry Malfoy, but that dick was like two inches, calm down." I tell him and everyone "oofs".

"My turn." Someone says in a low voice.

For Merlin's sake.

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