Chapter 2

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We all walk out of the hospital together. As we get outside, I take a deep breath, the warm sun hitting my face. We all walk across the parking lot to a silver car parked on the left side of the lot. Reyna opens the door and I step into the car, sitting down and doing up my seatbelt. The red-haired woman drives and the one named Elle sits in the front seat. I sit in the back with Reyna and Taylor. As the car moves, I look out the window. "Can I open it?" I ask. 

 "Sure!" Replies Jessica. I open the window and smile, feeling the breeze in my hair as we drive.

We eventually arrive at a big building with posters outside. They have pictures of Taylor, Jessica, and a bunch of other people dressed in cheerleader outfits. I read the words on the poster. "Bring It On." Reyna looks over at me and smiles. "Chloe Hayes, welcome to the St. James Theatre!" We get out of the car and walk inside. We go down a staircase and end up in a narrow hallway with lots of rooms. 

 "We need to get ready for the show." Elle tells Reyna, glancing at her. "Can you show Chloe around?"

"Sure!" Reyna grins, taking my hand and pulling me along through the hallway. "These are the dressing rooms." She explains. "It's where everyone gets ready for the show." I nod, a question popping into my head.

"How do you know Elle?" I ask.

 "She's my mom." Reyna replies. I try to remember my mom, but no matter how far I reach back into my mind, I draw a blank.

 "I- I don't remember my mom." I admit, sadly.

 "Aww, Chloe, it's okay." Reyna says, hugging me. We continue our walk. She stops in front of a door. This is Adrienne and Ryann's dressing room. They play Danielle and Bridget. She knocks on the door.

"Come in!" A voice calls. Reyna pushes open the door. Inside are two people. One has dark skin and long dark brown hair pulled back with a headband. "I'm Adrienne." She says, stepping forward and shaking my hand. 

 "And I'm Ryann!" The other one calls. She's standing over by the mirror, putting her hair into two side buns. They're both dressed like teenagers.

 "This is Chloe." Reyna introduces me.

 "Nice to meet you, Chloe!" Adrienne says. Reyna walks over and whispers something to her and she nods. I pick up the words "alley", "unconscious", "hospital", and "amnesia". 

 "As great as it is to see you girls, we've gotta go to places." Ryann tells us. "Reyna, do you and Chloe wanna watch from the wings?" 

"The wings?" I'm picturing a giant bird with wings flying over a stage. 

 "Come on!" Reyna exclaims, pulling me along. We crouch behind a curtain in a dark area with lots of props. The lights dim in the theatre and music starts to play, signalling the start of the musical. Taylor is standing in the middle of the stage, a spotlight on her. She begins to talk.

"God? And any other higher powers who might be listening? It's me. I mean, it's Campbell. You probably already know that. So, today is the last day of school, and then I'm a Senior. And tonight, my squad is holding tryouts. To replace those old Seniors who are leaving our plane of existence. The tryouts will be lead by our new captain, who get elected at lunch. And, that's why I'm talking to you! I know you have more pressing matters than who gets captain, I watch the news. But I could use any extra luck you could toss my way, because I've worked my whole life to lead Truman High to Nationals! It's all I've wanted, ever since I was a kid." She begins to sing, her voice loud and clear. 

Timeskip to intermission

"I'm gonna bring it onnnnn"! Taylor sings, hitting the last note. The curtains close. 

 "Intermission." Reyna whispers to me. Everyone on stage starts coming backstage. We congratulate them. 

 "Great job, mom!" Reyna exclaims, hugging Elle.

 "Thanks!" Elle replies, grinning.

 The rest of the cast comes up to me and introduces themselves. 

 "I'm Jason." One says.

 "I'm Gregory." Another tells me.

"I'm Arianna."

 "I'm Kate."

"My name is Janet." Someone says. "And this is Dominique, Nick, and Neil!" She continues.

"It's nice to meet you all!" I exclaim, a bit nervous but also pretty excited.

 Before I know it, it's time for act 2. But before she goes onstage, Taylor pulls me aside. She sits down on one of the benches from the "Tryouts" scene. She motions for me to take a seat next to her. "Chloe? Can I talk to you?" 

My mind starts racing. Did I do something wrong? Is Taylor going to send me away?

"I want to foster you." 

I look at her. "What does that mean?" I ask, confused.

"It means I'll take care of you." Taylor explains.

"Like a mom?" I wonder.

"Kind of, yeah." Taylor says. "Would that be okay?"

"Yes!" I yell, hugging her tightly.

AN: DM me I need evil ideas :)

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