Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty Seven


A day before the wedding.
"What if it won't work out?" Gulf asks, anxiously as he paces out in front of Win who is sitting on his swivel chair
They're now in Win's office
"What if —"
"My mind is all over the place right now and you're not helping at all, Gulf." Win lets out a heavy deep breath as he rolls his eyes
"What if Jennie knows about our plan?" Gulf asks as he sits on the visitor's chair
"And how will she?" Win gives him a bored look
"I don't know. Maybe, she just guessed?" Gulf shrugs
"Where's Gun and New, by the way? I am losing my mind, I need my bucket of chicken wings now." Win says
As if on cue, Gun and New arrives with the foods they bought on the way
Win's face lit up as he stands up from his swivel chair and goes to the coffee table where the foods are
Win sits on the sofa with the bucket of chicken wings on his lap
"Geez, you're that hungry?" New chuckles
"I'm just stressed eating." Win answers while eating a piece of the chicken wings
"It's still not clear to me about what will happen tomorrow." Gun says and opens the box of pizza
Gulf sits beside Win while Gun and New are sitting on the couch across them
"Right." New nods
Win places the bucket of chicken wings back on the coffee table and takes a sip of his soda first before answering
"Okay, here's what will gonna happen tomorrow." Win starts
"Of course, as the 'groom' I have to be in the church first and I need everything it takes for Jennie to arrive late in the church." Win says and his friends are just focused listening to him
"And that's when Bright will walk down the aisle." Win adds
"But how about your and Jennie's parents?" New asks
"About that ..." Win trails off
"Well, I don't care. I'll straight up fight for Bright and for him to be legally mine." Win adds
"Yes, they're gonna be against it specially my father but I'm not gonna back down. This time, I'll choose what I really want for myself." Win says
"I know there's a lot of uncertanties and I also know that it's not gonna be easy but one thing's for sure, I want to be with Bright for the rest of my life." Win finishes what he was saying and now, his friends are all teary
"Why are ya'll crying?" Win chuckles as he places the bucket of chicken wings back on his lap
"That's so pure, Winnie." Gun says and wipes his eyes
"So, I'm assuming that you are ready for tomorrow." New says
"Oh, I'm so ready." Win smirks

Bright and his friends are now just hanging out in their office.
"Why are you all just chill and calm when tomorrow is the wedding day?" Off asks while looking at his friends
"Huh? Bright." Off adds and calls out Bright's attention
Bright looks at him
"Heck, man. I may look calm and chill to you but I'm wreck nervous inside. I feel like if I stand up, I'm gonna fall down. My knees feels jelly. I am that nervous." Bright lets out a heavy deep breath
"I never imagined us to marry that way, you know?" Bright adds
His friends are just focused listening to him
"But we have no choice and I trust Win." Bright adds
His friends nods at him
"Anyway, how will Jennie arrive late tomorrow?" Tay asks
"Everything's just so unclear." Off says
"Why don't you guys just run away? That's what usually happens in an unwanted wedding, right?" Mew suggests
"I'll talk to Win about it." Bright nods at him

That night, Bright goes out in his balcony and sends Win a message asking if they could talk.
Instead of getting an response, Win calls him right away
"Hey, baby." Win says as soon as Bright answers the call
"Hi." Bright breaths out
"Is there anything about tomorrow that is bothering you?" Win asks
"Actually, yes, there is." Bright answers, honestly
"Why don't you just run away? I mean, that's more sure that we can get away and be together." Bright adds
"You're getting what I'm trying to say, right?" Bright asks when it takes Win a while to speak
"Yes." Win whispers
"Mind to elaborate more about that?" Win asks that caused Bright to smile
"There's a small church that I know of and it's not that far from the church tomorrow." Bright says
"I'll just wait for you there, what do you say?" Bright asks
"That's possible." Win agrees with him
"Tell me more about it, baby." Win says
"I am close with the priest in that small church and I'm sure I can talk to him tomorrow morning and ask him to wed us." Bright says
"Hmm." Win hums
"Then when you run away, our friends will follow you." Bright adds
"You think your parents will not stop you?" Bright asks
"They will, I'm sure of that. But am I gonna let them stop me? Nah." Win shakes his head
"Then that's final? You better show up to me tomorrow or I swear —"
Win cuts Bright off by chuckling at him
"Of course, I'll show up tomorrow. Hey, I'm marrying you! Why won't I show up? Being your spouse is all I ever want from this world." Win says in between chuckles
"Then that's good. I'll see you tomorrow then, beautiful." Bright says and that made Win to blush hard
"See you, baby. I can't wait." Win says and Bright smiles as he ends the call


AN: Another surprise update for you all! 🤗
If you've come this far, a massive thank
youuu! 🥺🙏🏼💙
The next chapter will be the wedding day. 😉
And oh, thank you for more than 5k
reads! 🥳💗

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