Part 7 Friends.

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The rest of the class was very awkward with most of Linka classmates looking at her like she had a second head, however they didn't say anything, not wanting to make things any more awkward than they already were (and also to not have a problem with the teacher.).

All of this attention she was getting combined with the fact she was not yet used to being a girl, caused the white-haired girl great stress and anxiety, but she tried her best to be strong and not showing her negative emotions to her classmates, remaining in relative silence during the whole class.

"My god this is so weird." Thought Linka feeling really anxious but trying her best to not show it.

Clyde however saw trough Linka silence and poker face and understood she wasn't okay, so he tried to cheer her up.

So, he wrote something in a piece of paper and while the teacher was distracted, he throw it to the white haired girl desk.

"What?" Thought the girl after seeing the paper fly to her desk.

She then saw what was written on the paper...

"Hey pal, are you okay? Signed Clyde."

Reading this Linka picked a piece of paper of her own ad wrote something as well, and just like Clyde waited till the teacher was distracted to throw the paper to Clyde desk.

Clyde then read what his best friend had wrote...

"Not really, this is so weird, everyone is looking at me like I'm a freak. Signed Linka."

Clyde then repeated the process of writing something in a piece of paper and throw it to Linka desk.

Linka then read the paper...

"Stay strong, we can talk later at lunch time. Signed Clyde."

After reading this the white-haired girl smiled, immediately becoming less stressed, then she gave her best friend a thumbs up as a way to say "okay" and Clyde did the same.

And so, the class went as usual albeit a little awkward.

Later at the school cafeteria at lunch time:

Linka and Clyde were both eating at same table like they usually did, but this time thing were a lot different, not only was Lincoln a girl now, but everyone at cafeteria was looking at the white haired girl like she was some kind of alien, all of then had already been informed by the school principal of Lincoln sudden gender change, and most of them couldn't believe it yet, some even thought and were spreading rumors that Lincoln was a pervert and was lying about being a girl so he could cross-dress and go to the girls bathroom, but luckily most students didn't believe in those rumors.

Linka was currently really nervous and stressed, even more than when at the class, but Clyde helped her keep herself calm.

"Don't worry Linka everything is okay; they aren't going to do anything to you." said Clyde trying to calm the white-haired girl.

"Hope you are right Clyde...I just hope." Said Linka with a worried face.

Then another 2 of Linka friends Rusty and Zach appeared, who then...

"Hey are you going." Said Rusty to Linka calling her by her old name, while being a little nervous.

"Can we sit there?" Asked Zack also with a nervous facial expression.

"Sure, do was you wish." Answered Linka

"Okay." Said both Rusty and Zach before sitting at the table.

They then started to eat, while looking at the white-haired girl with an awkward face, this continued for a while before Linka finally said...

"Why are you two looking at me like that?"

"Oh, for's just..." said Rusty before being interrupted by the white-haired girl who said...

"It's because I'm a girl now, isn't it?"

" and Zach are...are...yes its about you being a girl now." Admitted Rusty with an embarrassed face.

"I know probably don't want to be my friends anymore." said Linka a little sad and angry at same time, nearly crying thinking that her friends would hate her now.

", nothing like that...yes, it's a little weird that you are a girl now...but we are still friends." Said Zach trying to calm down the white-haired girl.

"Yeah...what the Zach said." Said Rusty with an awkward smile.

"Really...are you guys really being honest?" Asked Linka now a lot less sad and angry.

"Sure." Said Rusty and Zach in unison with smiles on their faces.

"Thank you, guys." Said the white-haired girl before hugging both Rusty and Zach, who then started to blush once they remembered that they friend was now a girl.

"Great...but could you stop hugging us...please." Said Rusty finding being hugged like that by a girl, a little strange.

"Oh, right sorry." said Linka before stop the hug and giving her 2 friends some space.

"Thanks." Said both boys at same time.

After that was out of the way the 4 friends Linka, Clyde, Rusty and Zach kept eating their food.

They also talked about their hobby's and lives to each other, everything was going okay, till Rusty asked a particular sensitive question...

"So how do you feel about being a girl now?"

Hearing this the white-haired girl stooped eating and said...

"I don't really want to talk about least not now."

"Why not?" Asked Rusty before Linka looked at him it an angry face and...

"I said, I don't want to talk about it right now...okay." Said Linka with a somewhat upset tone of voice.

"Okay...okay I get it...don't need to make scene about it." said Rusty.

"Thanks for understanding Rusty." Said the white-haired girl before continuing to eat her food.

They continued with their lunch till they heard something...or more specifically someone...Chandler.

"Well, well...what I heard was true." Said Chandler while looking at Linka with malevolent smile.

"Oh no...everyone but him." Said the now stressed white-haired girl after seeing his rival/enemy Chandler, normally his presence was already annoying enough but now, with Lincoln being now a girl, it was a nightmare.

"Looks like someone is been hanging out with their sisters for too the point it became one." Said Chandler with a mocking tone of voice.

At that moment Linka didn't know what to do.

To be continued...

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