chapter 16: the news

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(A/N this takes place five months after the events of chapter 15 and it will progress like this until a certain part in the story)

Mizore gripped my hand tightly. She knew this was the moment we have been waiting for, we were going to find out whether or not the baby was a shinso vampire or a prodigy snow fairy. she rested her head on my shoulder as we walked into the infirmary where ruby had set up a room for the ultrasound.

"Don't be scared Mizore the baby will be fine" I reassured her. As i said that she gripped my hand tighter i have not seen her this nervous since the first time we met. Ruby approached us with her lap dog (tony) at toe. "hello Mizore are you ready we will be done before you know it." she buried her head into my shoulder "i want Kyoto in there with me." she demanded. "OK just let me talk to him for a sec you follow tony to the ultrasound room" Ruby told her politely.

"why is she like this, it looks like shes already in her third trimester" "i don't know Ruby all i know is she wants me everywhere she goes. she has gone so far as to make ice clones of us to go to our classes and do our work for us. look Ruby she is really stressed and, she doesn't need to go into a panic attack treat her with care and most importantly Ruby...." "what?" " Don't be stupid" she smiled at me and took me back to the room where Mizore laid waiting for me.

"sorry it took so long babe I'm here" she ran up and hugged me like i just got home from war. i looked over to Ruby and mouthed the words "See what i mean" and she nodded her head "OK baby you gotta lay down I'll hold your hand." Mizore looked me in the eye and nodded her head. she laid down on the bed. " OK please lift up your shirt to reveal you stomach" ruby said gently. Mizore did as she was told and gripped my hand. ruby rubbed that jelly on her stomach and put the monitor on her stomach with a display screen displaying the baby. "Congratulations Mizore its a girl" i sighed but that sigh was cut off "what monster is it ruby" Mizore asked "see those things coming out of her mouth those are her fangs" "yes see my intuition was right" i saw a lone tear shed down Mizore's face "whats wrong" she was staring at the screen "she's beautiful" i smiled " yeah that she is " i replied

we left the hospital bedroom and i carried her to the dorm room that the headmaster, my mother, allowed me and her to live in. of course the first people who wanted to know were my parents, then her parents... that was not a fun phone call. we sat through an hour of Mizore's mom having fits over her daughter being pregnant, then my sisters found out, then ash kicked me in the balls, Kurumu was too busy poking Mizore in the stomach which looked like the top of a hill.

Late that night i went for a walk because vampires don't sleep well. and i guess the baby didn't sleep because Mizore was lying awake in bed. i told her where i was going so she didn't worry and i told her that i was going to talk to Moka so she knew where to look for me when and if she did start to worry. i walked over to the girls dorm room and spoke to the dorm adviser, Ms. Nekonome, and told her i needed to speak with my sisters as my mother had put them all in one room. she waved me in and told me the room number. i knocked on the door and Moka answered they all had been awake and knew i was coming.

"Girls we start training tomorrow we cant waste another second, Alucard is getting ready to strike it's a wonder why he's been so quiet these last few months" I said as I walked through the door "how do you know he's about to attack?" Moka asked "the same way i found out the baby was a vampire... intuition" "so... we're basing this off of one 'intuition' that came true, what about the others that were wrong" Kokoa ranted. "it's better to be safe than sorry" i snapped at her. i could see tears well up in her eyes. "so what exactly are we going to do in this training?" Akua asked. "i will be teaching you how to boost you power enough to become at least a vampire lord two" "isn't that your skill" "yes, but i thought i would pass it on to my sisters before i pass it on to my daughter" Kokoa's eyes lit up she knew this could be her call to becoming a strong vampire and she explained this to me a couple days later.

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