"Ah shit" Jungkook groaned and glanced at the red patch of sauce that accidentally fell on his shirt. He looked at others and mumbled. "I'll be back.." 

To which Yoongi and Jimin nodded, Taehyung simply shared a look with the younger. 

Jungkook trailed towards the washroom, while pulling the fabric a little so that the stains didn't stick to his skin. 

"You still didn't tell him?" Jimin asked Taehyung as soon as Jungkook was outta sight.

Taehyung instantly shook his head, and before Jimin could utter another word, Taehyung parted his lips to speak again. "I just-couldn't find the right time..." 

"But he remembers right?" Yoongi asked Taehyung. 

"Well...he doesn't say anything regarding that?" Jimin questioned again. 

To which Taehyung simply shrugged. 

"You know...the more you push the more upset you will feel and not only you but Jungkook too" Jimin said, crossing his arms. 

Taehyung's not gonna lie, even if he and Jimin tease each other, the elder is very much wise to put some influential sense inside his head. 

Taehyung hummed and glanced towards the washroom, around the corner of the restaurant and sighed.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed on the stained area with water, mentally being grateful that he wore a dark colored shirt instead of a light one. 

Being done at himself, he concluded that it was only going to get clean with a detergent.

Turning on the faucet to wash his hands, he lifted his head as heard the door being opened but none other than Taehyung who soon stepped inside.

"Was it washed away?" Taehyung asked and went toward Jungkook. 

The younger male turned around and showed him and mumbled a small "no" 

Taehyung gave a hum, turning to face Jungkook through the mirror.

Leaning down and washing his hands as he was done with his food anyway. 

"Yoongi and Jimin hyung will be leaving soon.." Taehyung announced as he was done wiping his lips with a napkin.

Jungkook widened his eyes in realisation. "Oh you're right..I should hurry-" he was about to walk but was stopped by Taehyung placing his palm over Jungkook's shoulder. 

"I meant like...leaving for the US" Taehyung said, eyeing Jungkook's facial expression. 

"Oh..oh! Right" Jungkook nodded as he glanced away. 

"And..a few days l-later I-um have to return too" Taehyung paused as he noticed Jungkook gazing at his shoes but still nodding to show that he was understanding what Taehyung was saying.

"I know..I was just waiting for you to- tell me" Jungkook said looking back at him. 

Taehyung didn't say anything, just kept gazing at him, which eventually confused Jungkook.

"Um what?" 

Taehyung gulped. "Do you...really want me to go?"  

"I don't-but it's for your work, Taehyung.." Jungkook said with a smile not to make Taehyung feel bad.

Taehyung licked his dry lips and started hesitantly. "You know I was...I was wondering what if I stay here, in Korea?" He watched the look on Jungkook's face changing a little bit. "What if I dont go back?" 

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