Welcome back!!

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Addison's POV

Welcome back to seabrooke it's been a year since the werewolves came to seabrook. They found their moonstone so they are alive . They thought I was there great Alpha but i am not . Everything is going great except i don't know where i belong I am cheer captain but it is starting to get boring so I am trying to find a new thing to do . Don't get me wrong I love cheer but too much of one thing is not fun. 

Zeds POV

Hi I'm Zed and yup still a Zombie its a new year for seabrook we are starting our senior year and its gonna be awesome I am thinking of finding a new activity I ll still be in football  but i need another activity  Addy wants something new too so we are looking for something we can do together and maybe involve our friends. Seabrook is officially open to Zombies, Werewolves and any other creatures not there are any other creatures but maybe who knows?

Wynter's POV

Hey!! I'm wynter the werewolf we were just listening to a legend alpha wylda was talking about no one else can know these legends other then werewolves unless they have to know we were talking about four great alpha's Legend has it two of them are very powerful and are hybrids and two of them are werewolves it was also said they have to unite the packs through mating or you know the things human say "marriage" but mating is a serious and painful process you and your mate have to bite each other. Anyways it was said that one of the was a Alien+ werewolf hybrid and one of them was a Zombie + Vampire but they don't have fangs  I know wierd right ?? or awesome i have no idea?

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter 

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (My version after the second movie)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora