Oh shit.....

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*Same day as the last chapter*

YN and Latavia finally arrived at Trey's house with everybody

"Hey Latavia and YN" Steven said as everybody was sitting on the porch

"Leave me alone I'm not in the fuckin' mood" Latavia yelled "You know what? lets go kill this nigga.. I'm not done with him"

"What hold on.. What happened?" Emauri asked

YN sighed "We caught Issa cheating on her with a bitch that works at McDonald's"

"Damn are you serious?" Twist asked, shocked

"Does it look like we're playing?" Latavia yelled "I bought the nigga over a milliom dollars worth of shit at the mall and he does this shit to me?"

"Oooo YN did you get me anything?" Prince yelled, excitedly

"Yea I did but let's not worry about that right now......." YN said

"Come on YN.... Come with me to go get my money back..." Latavia said while getting back into the car and YN nodded and followed

"I wanna go" Emauri yelled

"Sorry there's no room.. The whole back seat is filled with bags" YN yelled as they pulled out of the drive way

"Damn....... I wonder how much they spent at the mall" Janae asked "Those was alot of bags"

"Probably bout 40k" Myles laughed

          °A couple of hours later°

Everybody was finally home, including YN and Latavia

They all was in the living room when Issa walked in

Latavia looked at him and scoffed "YN can you go to the store with me? Lets walk so I won't have to see his ugly ass face for a while" Latavia yelled and stormed out of the house

YN looked at Issa and shook his head at him "You lucky I haven't killed you yet! Breaking my friends heart..... You should be ashamed of youself.. I should break your goddamn face" YN growled while storming out of the house

"Well....... How's life?" Ej asked

"It's great" Steven said

"Issa what was you thinking? Why did you do that to Latavia?" Roc asked. Issa sighed and sat down beside Tyler "I don't know man..... I just couldn't help myself"

"What does that girl have that Latavia don't?" Naomi asked

"I mean nothing...... It's just me and Latavia haven't fucked since a couple of weeks ago and I needed my dick wet" Issa said

"So you telling us that you decided to cheat on her just because she hasn't had sex with you in weeks?" Prince asked

"If you put it that way yuu make it sound badder then what it is" Issa mumbled

"It is badder then what it is!!!!" Racheal yelled. She was mad now. She thought it was really fucked up that he didn't really care about hurting Latavia's feelings "Do you even love Latavia like you say you do?"

"Yea I really d-"

"Bullshit" Emauri yelled "If you did love her, you wouldn't cheat on her just because y'all haven't had sex in weeks"

"Come on put yourself in my shoes... Prince wouldn't you do the same thing?" Issa asked Prince

"Hell nah! What type of fuckin' question is that?" Prince yelled

"Well what would you have done then Prince?"

"Well I don't care if we don't have sex for weeks. Our relationship isn't just about sex... But if I wanted it, I will annoy her until she gives it to me or just WAIT UNTIL SHE'S READY TO GIVE ME SOME PUSSY" Prince yelled the last part to Issa, basically trying to tell him what he should have done instead of cheating on her and Issa just shook his head "Well I was sexually  frustrated" Issa groaned

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