Chapter 18

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The game ends and you four pile up on the couch. "I can't believe I won!" Y/n states with excitement. "I would've one if I passed go one more time!" Hizashi replies back to you kind of pouting.

"Hey I don't wanna hear it! I was the first one out!" Shota states as if to comfort hizashi in a way. "I guess that's true." Hizashi states. "Thanks for bringing the board game Toshinori!" You state looking over in his direction. "It's no problem! I had a lot of fun!" He smiles at you.

"Hey sho! I know you have a park close to your house. Do we all wanna go there?" Hizashi asks the three of you. Shota shrugs, "I don't really care it's up to Y/n and Toshinori." You shake your head, "I'm down!" "I second that." Toshinori states.

You all get up and get ready to walk out the door. You walk out the door and wait for Shota to lock the door. Once he does he's starts leading you to it.

"I call dibs on the swings!" You state. "I call dibs on the swing next to you!" Hizashi states.

You four all catch up in conversation.  Next thing you know you're at the park. You look around until you find the swings. You rush towards it and leap on one. "I love swings!"
229 words

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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Shota Aizawa x reader x Hizashi Yamada x Toshinori Yagi Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang