Chapter 15

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You stand in the kitchen drink the water. You can't but to think, "why is it bothering me now? It's been what 8-9 years now?" You can't but to think over it.

You hear foot steps on the stairs. You quickly jolt your head over just to Aizawa. "I see you found the water fine." He says as his foot reaches the last step.

   You chuckle at the ravenette. He walks towards the fridge and grabs a bottle of water then opens it and drinks it. He looks at you after he finished taking a sip of the water.

      "Why are you up anyway." He questions you. You don't wanna let him know about your past so you play it off. "Weird dream-" you in substitute of your actual nightmare.

   "Oh." He responds shortly, he takes another sip of water. He grabs a small snack and gets ready to walk back up stairs but first he looks at you . "Don't forget we get a week off because of spring break. It starts tomorrow."

  "Wait really-? Already?" You question because you can't believe it's already spring. "I wouldn't lie to you." He grabs his stuff and starts walking up stairs. "Night y/n." He goes back to his bedroom.

   You finish your glass of water and then you make your way up stairs. You reach the top of the stairs and walk to the guest room. While on the room you go to the bathroom that's in there and splash your face with water.

  You stare at yourself with your reflection coming off the mirror. You see the water dripping down your face. You find a towel on the counter and use it to dry your face letting out a sigh.

  You go to lay on the bed covering yourself in the blankets. Trying to get sleep.

~Time Skip~

After hours of trying to sleep you finally got it. You finally slip into the dark abyss that everyone knows.

~Leon's POV~

I think to my self, "The house is a mess I haven't been able to sleep because I can't stand to know if Y/n knows or not. If they know my life is over.

   Would that be the reason they haven't called or why they're mad. I just don't know. It's been 48 hours since the last time I've slept. I'm worried because I don't know if they're safe. They haven't been answering my calls or texts.

  How do I even know if they're alive. Is this what they felt when I left for a week? Just panic? When will y/n even come home? I know their spring break is tomorrow. Well I have to remember they're a teenager, maybe they just wanna be with their friends.

  Yeah that's it. Y/n doesn't know about it. There is no way they could know.  I don't even know where they are though. Maybe they're at one of those boys houses what was it Hisashi? No that doesn't sound right. I can't remember I just know it started with an H.

Wait what about that other kid Shora, no wait I think it was like Shota! Yeah it was Shota. I don't have his number. Or That H kid's. Maybe y/n will respond to me tomorrow. Maybe I can see them tomorrow, or maybe the next day after that. Or or maybe I see them tonight.

Oh come on Leon! what are you thinking! You know they're not going to respond tonight." I touch my face, "why the hell am I crying? I guess I miss them that much..I feel bad. I should've let Y/n know I was alive. But it's to late. They're angry with me. They don't care.

But if they didn't care then they wouldn't have screamed at me about my safety. Wait they mentioned that they'd be spending the night with one of them. So hopefully they're with one if they boys. But is my child really growing up that fast, I mean I remember when I took them to school the first time. God I miss them.." is the last thing I remember thinking before passing out on the couch getting the rest I needed.

704 Words~

Sorry about the slow updates, I get busy for weeks at a time :(

Shota Aizawa x reader x Hizashi Yamada x Toshinori Yagi Where stories live. Discover now