Helpful Prospect

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There was still a 23.7 % chance a plan of the offensive would work

"Ceejea I need those weapons charged now!"

The number was so low though, 34.6% or even 23.8% would be better

"We don't have time doctor,"

What should I do? If I could just get over to that panel I would get us to 68.8% but the panel has exploded

"Our shields just dropped to 30%, we need to run!"

Help, need help. 10.3% chance of survival there was nothing they could do

"Evasive maneuvers! Send out a distress call,"

That solution only gave them a 1% increase from those previous odds of survival

"Communications are down, they have us cornered,"

It was dropping 5%, 4%, 3% it was all over I failed again

"Computer, restart and freeze program..." Julian groaned and sat back into his chair, letting a huge breath leave him. The stress of dealing with the test was starting to get to him, he wondered if he should exit and give it another chance tomorrow bugged him how he ended up getting caught every time. 

What was the right answer? He surely wouldn't be able to rest until he was able to complete the test. The problem was he didn't have enough time to analyze the situation. 

By the time he came up with the probabilities of each choice, it plagued him with even more making him think from his gut, something he wasn't quite as good at when it came to command. At least away from his medical equipment. 

Julian slumped further into his chair and put his fingers on his forehead, feeling if it could fry at any moment as the countless possibilities for what his next test would be. He had to be prepared for anything after all.

"Ahh doctor I thought I might find you here," Julian looked up, not even hearing a peep of the door opening to his program or the footsteps of the Cardassian as he entered. He shouldn't even be surprised at this point with how many times the other managed to break into his programs...but this was different.

"I can understand you breaking into my run of the mill holosuite but this is a federation heavily guarded and coded holosuite there is no way you couldn't have gotten in without alerting the captain," The other seemed only pleased at the remark, allowing his slithering snake-like tongue to make a brief appearance as a grin spread across his face.

"I pride myself in my attention to detail, as do many Cardassians. It seems I have interpreted some kind of, well if I didn't know any better, a surrender," He wasn't in the mood to be jabbed with a stick when his brain was racing. How could he even be considered someone from Starfleet if he couldn't get through a simple test he had taken dozens of times before?

 What was so different about it now than it had been? Had they made it harder? Or was he growing less sharp? He hoped it was neither.

"Did you just come here to taunt be Garak?" Julian questioning, a defeated tone in his voice which seemed to only feed the curiosity of the other about his current state. He got closer to the other, standing right beside his chair.

"Not at all doctor, I saw you had been in here quite a while and thought you might use some assistance. I do aim to please, what with my tailoring profession," He smiled hopelessly at the other. He always seemed to know what to say to brighten his mood just touch even if he felt rather patronized by the act. Which most undoubtedly was what Garak had wanted to accomplish.

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