Avengers, Assemble! *ENDING TWO*

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Bucky and I got to the theater room and approached the couch. He sat first which left me with the dilemma of where do I sit? Right next to him? That would answer some questions before they're asked. But sitting too far away would also give the wrong idea.

Bucky saw me hesitating to sit and sighed. "Talia, are you choosing him? I know we're about to have the conversation but I just... I need to know now because I can't do it all again. I really can't."

I blinked in shock, I was really unprepared for that. But knowing he wanted me to choose him was all the answer I needed. I quickly leaned over, kneeling on the couch as I grabbed him and kissed him passionately. I'm sure simply telling him I chose him would have been acceptable, but I like this way better.

"Oh." Bucky mumbled as we pulled away. "Guess that answers that question for me." He smirked and I sat next to him.

"Guess it answers a lot of them." Steve's voice from behind us startled us. I instinctively moved away from Bucky but reached out to grab his hand.

"Steve-" I started to explain but he stopped me.

He held his hand up as he walked towards the couch. I noticed that Peggy wasn't with him. "I'm sorry, Buck, but this is insane. Talia, we've been together for years. And you're choosing him?"

"Yes." I grabbed Bucky's hand. "I am, Steve. We had our time together and it was great, it was. But neither of us were really in it. And you know it."

Steve sat on the couch and sunk down, head in his hands. "I can't believe this..."

"Steve-" Bucky spoke, leaning forward to comfort him.

"Buck, just don't. This is exactly like it used to be." Steve's head snapped up and looked at him. "Exactly."

I looked between the two of them. "What are you talking about?"


"No, Buck. Go ahead. Tell her." Steve insisted, glaring.

Bucky sighed. "You know I used to set us up on double dates..." he started to explain but stopped, he looked like he couldn't get the words out.

"But Bucky would end up with both of them." Steve finished. "I thought it was different, I thought you were different."

I stood up, officially done hearing this. "I'm not your possession, Steve. You don't own me. Bucky didn't steal me from you. You made it clear you barely cared about me on a good day. I was second best to you, always. It was always Peggy, you don't need to bullshit with me. I'm sorry if she no longer want to be with you anymore, but I'm not your consolation prize." I turned to Bucky. "Let's go." And I walked out, not waiting for Bucky to follow or Steve to respond.

I walked to the roof and leaned on the railing, looking out at the world. How did we get here? Everything was so simple a few months ago, it almost felt like normal.

Bucky walked up beside me, silent. I reached out and grabbed his hand. "Hey." I squeezed his hand. "You okay, honey?"

"Yeah, doll. I'm all right." He looked at me and gave a small smile.

I tilted my head. "C'mon, Buck. I know you better than that."

Bucky sighed and turned around, facing the door. "I hate that I hurt him, you know? That we hurt him."

"He'll be okay, I'm sure he just feels out of control right now. He's latching on to something that makes him feel.. safe."

"You're right." Bucky grabbed me and pulled me in front of him. He arms wrapped around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned forward and kissed me. "I love you." He whispered, pressing his forehead to mine.

"I love you more." I whispered back, grinning.

"You're out of your mind, doll. Come on, I think we should call it a night." He moved us towards the door and held my hand the whole way to my room.

As I laid my head on his chest while the tv played, I felt like I was home.

I was exactly where I should be.


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