stakeout but gay at the end

Start from the beginning

He didn't like thinking about those ones.

This feeling scared him like he couldn't believe. He didn't even know Edric super well, so these feelings that he was having for the boy didn't come from a logical place. They had had their share of talks, stolen glances, and flustered encounters together, but none of that was enough for Hunter to think his feelings were valid.

All of that culminated into Hunter being on the brink of panic after being told Edric was coming over to help him watch over the Owl House. 

"Wait, what? Why him?" Hunter asked. Luz and Eda shared a look. Eda sighed. "Look, kid. We need Luz, Boots, Lily, and Emira to make an attempt to breech the castle's defenses. We are not taking you with us, and there won't be anyone else here to hold down the fort. I know you're not a fan of the kid, so if you want, you can stay in your room while Ed hangs out down here. I can't bring him with us either, since Emira and Amity are more equipped for a fight if one breaks out. I'm sorry." She finished, Luz shuffling with King in her lap. 

Hunter felt bad for making Eda make excuses and apologize. 

"No Eda, I'm sorry, it's not a big deal at all. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. It's okay." He said, pulling up a smile. 

Eda scoffed at him. "Kid you're fine. Just wanted to give you as much information as I could. Now, Luz and I have to go get ready, and the Blight kids should be around in about an hour. We'll all meet up then and figure out the specifics." She said, standing to get her things together. 

This left Luz and Hunter in the living room.

"Hey, Hunter, I'm sorry. I don't love the idea of leaving you here alone but there aren't any other options to-" 

"Hey, both of you are apologizing for nothing. Taking that small group of witches makes the most sense; it's confined, it's enough to split up if necessary, and you're all some of the strongest I know. Why did Eda feel so bad?" He asked.

Luz looked away and shrugged.

"I guess because it took you so long to feel comfortable here, maybe she just doesn't wanna ruin that."

Hunter blinked. "And having the Blight kid over here would ruin 3 months of progress?" He asked, chuckling the last syllable. Luz laughed with him, the two sharing a comfortable silence. 


Hunter heard the screeching of Hooty from upstairs, and quickly scrambled to get down to the living room.

When he reached the stairs, he saw Luz, Amity, Eda, Lilith, and Emira all dressed head to toe in black, wide clothing. Edric was the only one in regular clothes. 

Luz looked up.

"Hunter! Great! Alright, so you, Edric, Hooty and King have access to Lilith's older spell that lets you see inside the castle. You'll know when we get in, if something happens, and when we leave. If we absolutely need backup, we laid out some extra clothes and a quick map for you guys here." Luz finished.

"This should be a fairly short mission, though. I also have an earpiece-" 

"Courtesy of me!" Lilith chimed in, interrupting Eda. She sighed. 

"Yes, courtesy of Lily, that I can use to get to you guys if need be." She finished, gesturing to her right ear. 

"This should be simple. Get in, split up, find Raine, get anything else we can, get out, get home." Amity said shortly. Emira nodded. 

"Mittens isn't splitting up without me though. I don't really care about groups but if we're in the Emperor's castle I need my eye on her." Emira said firmly. Eda and Lilith nodded, Amity looking softly at her sister. 

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