09. Mom

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Dragging my feet towards the classroom as I lazily made my way inside, I was surprised to see someone sitting at the empty seat behind mine.

It's not actually empty, Wonjin was the one who own it but yeahㅡ I've never get to talk to him even one second before. And never did I try until now.

"Good Morning Y/n!" some of my classmates greeted, I only smiled at them in response before making my way to my seat.

As usual, Wonjin wasn't doing anything but to fell asleep on his desk. I just heave a sigh upon seeing him before seating down and took some of the stuff I'll be needing in class.

It was just a matter of second when I felt him groan from behind, sign that he was already awake before feeling a hand tugging my hair.

"Wow! You came to class, that's new." I said, not even sure if that was a comment or a compliment itself I just said what I wanted to say in the first place.

"Just wait till I do something that could get me in trouble," he mumbled sighing down and lean to his chair.

"Okay," I shrugged before opening my notes and started reviewing stuffs for the first class. It's not actually my habit, I just hate dealing with someone from behind.

Right then, I heared him sigh in a more dramatic way. This boy is literally making me just wanna kick him off like I always do.

Not to mention what he did last night in which I literally have to take him home by my own as if I was some kind of a Mom after telling me that he's my responsibility.

Dude! He's literally older than me. But whatever, let's just move on. Gladly Yubin was silent all night and didn't even tease me cause I would literally like to yeet someone's existence on Earth if he did.

"You know," he started talking as I felt him scooting towards my figure from behind. "It's really sad that everywhere I go you'll be there," he said, pouting.

Staring sternly, I turn my head to meet his face. Not to mention, this boy actually had a pretty side profile. But yeah, that's not the case right now.

"Go inside Detention if you want, no one's stopping you" I spoked out sternly, giving him a glarw yet he just broke those with a smirk.

"You're still gonna be there," he said, smiling cheekily as if he was a kid or something. And I'm not gonna lie, he's actually cute he's just seriously annoying.

"Then go home," I said, shrugging before facing my notes.

"You know where I live," he replied, shortly as I sigh deeply before shutting my note close and turn around to face him.

"Stop being too delusional! Why would I even follow you on your way home?! What's happening right now is all part of my job! So shut up! Got it?" I told him, even pointing my fingers at him yet he didn't even return a word.

Instead, he sat there in silent while pouting like a baby as if he was an orphan looking for it's new Mom.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath before turning around once again, literally ignoring everything he does.

The class started and he would either tug on my hair, play with them even braids them if he had the chance.

Lord God, if this was the Devil you sent me it's working, please. Get this kid away from me.

As expected for Mr. Detention, he was there again after making a huge mess this afternoon. Why does this person always beat up someone with even straight reasons why?

Sighing down after taking some of my books that I would be using to tutor him today since I got excused from class, I finally made my way out of the room and walk my way towards the white hallways.

detention ㅡ ham wonjin | ✓Where stories live. Discover now