Crashing into love

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a/n: so this is the first story i really hope you like this and sorry that the title is super cringy

Prompt: lesbian unicorns in space


In a galaxy on the other side of the universe, two planets were at war, Chandling and Gellic. Chanling was the first populated planet in the galaxy but due to overpopulation the Queen decided to send a third of the population to Gellic, the only other habitable planet they could reach with the supplies they had available. These two planets were populated by unicorns, who after thousands of years were able to use their magic to create the civilization they lived in today. The two planets lived in peace for 200 year with gellic being completely controlled by chandling, until the leaders of gellic decided to rise up and demand freedom from chandling. They cut all communication when their request for freedom was rejected. This sparked the war.

15 years later.... The people of Gellic were ruled by the royal family who was elected from the group of leaders fighting for freedom. The royal family consisted of King James, Queen Sarah and their daughter Aliya. They seemed like the picture perfect family but they had a dark secret that they hid from the world. Aliya was attracted to girls and her parents were incredibly ashamed. Aliya was a vision of beauty, she had pure white fur, her mane and tail were the colors of a rainbow, eyes as blue as the ocean and her horn was made of opalite. Her beauty was something her parents constantly put on display, this caused her to be proposed to by all eligible high ranking members of society. All men All rejected.

Over on Chandling their royal family had ruled the planet for thousands of years. Queen Rán and her daughter Princess Scarlett currently rule the planet. The king had passed on years ago when Scarlett was a baby. Unlike the King and Queen of Gellic. Queen Rán did not feel the need to hide Scarlett's sexuality. The whole planet was aware and they accepted Scarlett for who she was. While aliya was the vision of beauty, Scarlett had never been truly seen as beautiful. Scarlett had walnut coloured fur. Her mane and tail were vanilla blonde, With chocolate brown eyes and rose quarts horn. She was never very noticed in public.

As much as Alyia loved her family and her people she was sick and tired of hiding who she was. So when she found out there was a ship coming to collect supplies and troops, she made a plan to leave. She was going to run away to Chandling in hopes that she could be free, free from having to marry a man, free from training to rule one day, free from listening to her father talk about the war and free from the unaccepting family.

The ship was leaving at 12 am sharp. Aliya gathered as much as she could fit in her bag and at 11:30 she snuck out, the base where the ship was located was easy to access as it was connected to the palace. She snuck onto the ship before she was caught. Once on board Aliya hid until she knew they were too fat to turn around. Once it was clear she made her way to where the escape ships were.

Once Aliya found the escape ships she climbed inside one of the smallest ships that could only hold one unicorn, she quickly got settled and powered up the ship. Getting off the bigger ship was the easy part, flying to Chandling now that was the challenge "God I hope I remember how to fly these things" she said to herself. Things went smoothly for the most part until the ship reached Chandling's orbit and aliya lost control of the ship causing it to crash and knocking her unconscious.

The loud crash woke Scarlett up and automatically fear seeped in, but soon curiosity took over. And since Scarlett was on her own she decided to get up to investigate. She was by herself at the summer castel as she convinced her mother she needed a break from royal duties, she was quite enjoying having no one around beside a select group of maids that scarlett was fond of. She trotted out of the castle gates in search of the crash. On discovery she was shocked to see that it was a ship from Gellic, in normal circumstances she would head back to the castle and contact the army and her mother, but it was 3:17 am and Scarlett had thrown caution out the window. So Scarlett got closer to the destroyed ship . At that moment she noticed an unconscious figure, at first she just saw the white fur then the mane then finally she saw the stunning horn the unicorn in front of her was displaying. " Wow," Scarlett gasped, admiring everything about the unconscious unicorn. Suddenly the unicorn's eyes opened revealing the most beautiful eyes Scarlett had ever seen. "What... what ha-happened" the figure stuttered. Scarlett looked her in the eyes before she spoke "you crashed. You're on Chandling. Who are you? Why are you here? Do you have any weapons? Are you planning on hurting me? Why are you the most beautiful unicorn I have ever seen?" the last part she mumbled to herself hoping the other unicorn didn't hear. Without breaking eye contact with Scarlett the figure began to stand up before replying "okay calm down, I can answer all your questions'' she paused for a second taking a deep breath "first my name is Aliya, daughter of King James and Queen Sarah, princess of Gellic. I'm here because I'm running away. Unicorns like me aren't accepted on Gellic especially by my parents and I heard that it was accepted here" aliya paused again to catch her breath. Scarlett was looking at her in shock at what she was hearing. Once Aliya finally caught her breath again she continued speaking with Scarlett hanging out to her every word. "No I don't have any weapons and even if I did you would be safe because, one I don't know how to use them and two, which will answer your other question, I come in peace. I don't want to hurt anyone, I just want safety. And to answer your last question, which i did hear by the way so thank you for compliment especially considering you think i look good after a literal shipwreck, i have no clue but you are absolutely gorgeous yourself. Would you introduce yourself now". Scarlett stood there for a moment absolutely frozen, she quickly shook it off and regained her royal posture "I'm Scarlett" she stated. "Well actually I'm princess Scarlett of Chandling" she quickly added as she remembered that she was royalty. Scarlett felt a heat rise in her cheeks as Aliya looked at her with joy in her eyes. " So you are the princess that swings the other way" Aliya stated with a smirk that made the heat in scarletts cheeks intensify, " thats me" scarlett replied unsure of what was happening.

Short stories i wrote for comfortحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن