i can't hide this from you anymore

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chapter 4.

you got up to go to your part time job as a childcare worker, you really loved your job. couldn't have asked for better. a week has passed from when sarah picked up the phone. just as you were about to leave you were tempted to ask but in the end didn't bother. she looked rather shocked when she came to the dinner table.

arriving at your job

i parked my car in the street right directly off the childcare, i trotted into the place because i was a little bit late.

(charles' pov)

i called sarah to come to buckingham palace to talk about this relationship, i really don't think it's working anymore, i'm trying to do this in the most respectful way possible, i don't want her to be upset either.

sarah had just arrived, my private secretary brought her into my study. walking in, she looked at me the whole time even when she was sitting down in the armchair.

"hello, love."


"is everything alright?"

"well, not really."

"not really? then what's the matter?"

"i, do mean this in the most respectful way possible but." i hesitated.

"say it." sarah looked so worried, but she said it sternly.

i felt so bad that i had to break this to her.

"i don't think this is working out anymore,"


sarah's face was the full definition of shocked.

her expression will always be the death of me, i didn't like that i had to say this but it's the only way i can be truthful.

"what im trying to say about is, that i did love you but i've just lost feelings. i feel awful about this but it's the only way i can be honest with you."

"well." she said with a big sigh

"thank you for simply telling me instead of going out with other women. this is a much easier way to get out of a relationship."

"i best be going now" sarah said woefully.

before sarah opened the door and left i walked swiftly over to the door and grabbed her arm ever so gently.

"i am so sorry, sarah."

i explained with deep sorrow. and gave her a hug

"charles, don't worry about it. we were together for a long time after all, people change and that's fine. we can still be friends if you want."

"of course, i want that."

sarah headed towards the foyer and left in her car that was parked at the front. i came outside with her to watch her leave safely. i felt this insane amount of guilt over my shoulders but i couldn't lie to sarah anymore, i loved her. but it went away over time.

(diana's pov)

it had already been half of the day, all the children were lovely, they played, read, learnt, i really did love my job very much.
i wonder why sarah had to go to buckingham palace so urgently. i hope she's okay.

the children were just finishing up their lunch.

"okay children, go put your lunchboxes away into your locker squares, then come back here into your seats." one of my colleagues explained to the children.

she and i both stood up where the board was, and waited for all of the children to sit down.

"alright, now since all of you are here. we're going to learn about shapes!"

"yayy!!" all the children cheered in excitement.

"miss spencer is going to show you the different shapes now, so all you have to do now is listen. okay can you do that for me?" she put her pointer finger on her lip as a signal for anyone watching her to be quiet.
as she was saying this she moves around the room to make sure the children are being quiet for me.

they all turned towards me and i explained each shape, we made them have a piece of paper and draw the shape i was explaining.

it concluded to the end of the day you were flustered. the mothers and fathers were talking to the childcare workers, and after about 15 minutes they all eventually left to go home. after all the children got picked up, you collected all your belongings and headed home in exhaustion.

after work

it started spitting when i went into my car.
all i wanted was a warm shower, before dinner. i love the rain just not when i'm in it.
i arrived home but sarah was still not back from the palace. i think she left as soon as i left for work, which was for five hours. charles was getting worried so he went out to call sarah on the phone and see where she was. jane, my sister was calling friends to see if they ever saw sarah after 5 pm. no sign.

15 minutes later

sarah opens the front door with keys, we all rushed over to see who it was, in shock. we were glad she is back, but we were worried sick about her.

"oh, hello. why is everyone looking at me like that?"

"well, you haven't been back home for a whole six hours so what would you expect us not to?" jane said in distress.

"well, sorry but i had to take a little break. i went to the park and got some food."

"take a little break? from what?" charles questioned.

"ah, yes i forgot to mention, prince charles, has decided that we should no longer be together hence why i had been gone for so long, i just had to process the lot of information. but in result, we are still friends."

"oh my god, what terrible news to hear. i am so sorry darling." jane said in sorrow.

i was just standing there, thinking i was the cause of the destruction of her break up from charles. i sure hope i was not, i already feel guilty. i am not sure why though.

sarah went back to where she was originally standing, since charles and jane gave her a hug. sarah gave me a dejected look, as if she knew something.

well planned.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz