Chapter 23: Eeva the Gold and Solan the Black

Start from the beginning

The original woman appeared to stir uncomfortably in her seat and chains.

Solan nodded slowly, and said, "Yes, well, if you want to make an omelette you must break some eggs."

"You... you killed my people like they were nothing. Why get Lleyton to do your bidding when you have... whatever power you have?"

Solan tisked at Eeva as he undid her arm restraint, apparently unafraid of any attempt she would make to escape, placing the cold drink in her hand. "An Alva is smarter than that. Think, Eeva."

"You can't hurt me. You can't hurt Sixes. And Sixes can't hurt you," Eeva realized, remembering her sword disintegrating upon touching him. "It's why you needed Lleyton."

Solan winked at her as he took a swig, jumping up and sitting on the counter behind him.

"Then why kidnap me at all?"

Solan looked to the ceiling, and back to medical documents he had in his other hand, wondering why it was that no one ever seemed to know the answers to anything except for him. For this reason, he missed his twin sister. And to an extent, his uncle.

"Well, you see, Eeva, I had to take you for several reasons. I never plan things to get single rewards; these are bad investments. The first, most obvious reason I have taken you is that I need him. And I can assure you, he is coming."

Eeva blinked several times in confusion. "Who?"

Solan was disappointed with Eeva again. "The Wolf, of course. The way he threw himself to save you from Markus... love makes us do amazing things, doesn't it?" He smiled at her, seeming to know her truth.

This time, the other two prisoners stirred in their seat.

Eeva looked away from the terrible man as she remembered throwing herself at Markus when Luka was in peril. "You're wrong. He will stay, and fight. I've done terrible things to Luka. Things not even he could forgive me for."

Now that Solan revealed himself to her, the mastermind behind all of her people's suffering, guilt washed over her that she even went through with the trial to execute Luka. Luka likely minimized so much of her people's suffering as Solan enacted his dark plans. She didn't deserve him. And she hoped, and prayed, that he wouldn't follow her.

The verdict she was going to pass upon Luka was something she couldn't forgive herself for, and truly hoped Luka couldn't forgive her for. She pleaded to him in her mind to stay where he was, to not fall straight into Solan's sinister scheming yet again.

"Are you sure about that?" Solan asked her. "Let me explain something to you. The words of each province, you realize, are not drawn from thin air. Wolves are intensely loyal, almost to a fault. The different strains of the virus selected for certain people. Not at random. Do you think this Wolf, with no family of his own, would not remain loyal to you, the pretty girl that accepted him into her home?"

How much did Solan truly plan? Did he program Luka to be shot and fall in the exact river the minute Eeva strolled by with her class, knowing it would force the noble and honorable Wolf into loving her and being indebted to her forever? What wasn't Solan's doing? It was dizzying and demoralizing to think of.

Eeva scoffed and knew better. Luka was also loyal to his friends, to her people, to Gaiathal. He wouldn't come. Please don't come.

Solan appeared to see this on Eeva's face, and smirked. "Believe me, girl. The stones want to return home with an equal tenacity as the Hosts want to save their precious leader. And an equal tenacity that Luka wants to save you."

To Where the Sun Rises (Part 2 of 'A Tale of People and Apples' Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now