59 | wedding of dreams

Start from the beginning

I look down at the rose petals spread on the floor as my father guides me toward the aisle. The place is decorated like it's the wedding of the decade. There is an orchestra, a ceiling of stars, flowers everywhere I look, and even the stairs are shining with a glittery carpet when I step on them. Vaughn chose the wedding destination, knowing how much I loved this hotel when we came here the first time. I sometimes can't help but feel jealous of how perfect he is.

My bridesmaids take their position along with Vaughn's groomsman — David as usual — when I reach the aisle. Vaughn doesn't wait for my father to release me before he extends his hand forward for me to take. I meet his eyes through my veil as I hold his hand, my slim hand slipping inside his big one. He helps me up and we both stand opposite each other while the priest begins his sermon.

"Dearly beloved, we've gathered here..." the priest says, a little enthusiasm in his voice since he is the same one who got us married before and I suck in a breath, staring at Vaughn as he continues.

Vaughn winks at me quickly and it makes me blush harder. After everything we have been through, today feels like the grand finale of it all.

I see Thea and her son sitting at the front of the congregation with my parents and the little boy looks handsome in his small suit and tie. He watches the ceremony enthusiastically like nothing can take his eyes off it.

"I do," Vaughn answers when the priest asks him if he accepts me as his wife.

"I do," I reply the same when he asks me.

"....I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the priest finishes with those words, and without any wait, Vaughn takes a step towards me, lifting my veil in one go, and before I know it, I find myself in his arms — our lips sucking the life out of each other — as Vaughn kisses me like he is kissing me for the first time.

The gesture feels so intimate and I can't help but wrap my arms around him as I would do in private, letting him in closer, our mouths never letting go of each other. Tears spill from the corners of my eyes as he kisses me and I hear the sounds of clapping from around us.

"Finally," Vaughn whispers, pulling away and pressing his forehead to mine.

"Finally," I whisper back, giggling as we kiss again.

Finally, we are together for real.


After the wedding, we attend the party with charming smiles and Vaughn stays by my side, letting his hands move up and down the inside of my arm as guests congratulate us on the wedding.

"Fuck! I need to get you out of this dress like right now," he murmurs, leaning into my ear as he squeezes my hand. "It's pretty but I want to tear it to pieces now."

"Well, considering I spent almost a million dollars on it, I would like it to stay." I turn and wink at him, sipping my orange juice while people sip wine.

With the pregnancy coming in stronger than ever, I have been finding myself to be sick all the time. I feel nauseous, my body aches often and the only activity which lifts my spirits is having hardcore sex with Vaughn. I can't keep his hands off him whenever he is near.

"Fine...the dress stays on then." Vaughn brushes his lips behind my ear, his finger tucking in the loose strands of my hair. "But remember, it's going to be dirty by the time I'm done with you."

I almost choke on my drink when he slides his leg between mine, pressing his groin against my thigh. He is wearing a guard but I am sure that by the stuff we are murmuring about, he is getting hard. I bat my lashes at him, leaning in closer until my chest brushes his.

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