Jeans, Literally

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"I'm bringing you to the Knights of Favonius," Diluc responded, as he pulls the young child's hand. "Knights of Favonius? Mommy is there, right?" The older redhead tries to ignore the child's 'family roleplay' as they continue walking the path to Mondstadt. "Who do you consider as your mother this time..." Diluc questions, annoyed at all the roleplay. "Hm, mommy is mommy!" Diluc looked away, still continuing guiding the child to Mondstadt. I guess all children at her age never knew what their parents' actual names are, soon is when they'll get to know it.

As they walk to the road that goes through Springvale, all the villagers there looked at Diluc with a surprised face. "Who's that cat girl?" Elise asks, her face displaying confusion. Diluc looked at where her face is tilted at, and by the windmill was a fellow bartender leaning by the wall. Diluc unknowingly let his guard down, and the little redhead ran away. "Hi, cat girl!" Elise shouted, almost tripping over a little pebble. "I'm not 'cat girl'! I have a name, another annoying Ragnvindr heir." The what? "Oh...sorry! Didn't mean to upset you. What's your name? Can we be friends-" Elise was cut by Diona, her tail wagging rapidly as she becomes impatient. "I am Diona, bartender of Cat's Tail. And you?" She sharply asks, trying to sound superior. "I am Elise! Nice to meet you! Yeah-!"

Diona was slightly disgusted by how hyperactive the child is, but somehow likes it as the energy of the child is as strong as Klee, her elf friend. "Hmph. So, redhead, why are you with the disgusting Diluc?" Diona growled a bit, her eyes squinting at the older redhead. "Diluc? You mean daddy? No, he isn't a baddie! You're mean!" Diona was surprised when Elise said 'daddy'. What does she mean by that, Diluc allowed her to roleplay? "Pfft," Diona tries to hold her laugh, "Diluc let you roleplay as his child!? Your humor is funny, it's making me laugh!" Elise was confused for a second, whether it's Diona being ironic or is actually saying her opinion. "Well....I don't get what you mean," Elise mutters. Before the younger redhead could speak her incoming question, Diluc grabbed her soft little hands and gestured to Mondstadt. "You have to go the Knights of Favonius, Elise. Now."


"We're finally finished, Albedo onee-san!" Klee sighed, as she drops the baskets of Flaming Flower stamen on the lab's table. "It is indeed a time to relax from all the hard work. Don't you think?" Albedo says, while he gestures to Good Hunter that is seen through the window. But when he looked around the lab's desk, there was something suspicious, something...missing. Albedo panicked but tried to not show any emotions. "..." Klee looked at Albedo's face, and remembered about Jean's child. "Hey, before we go to Good Hunter, how about we check on Elise?" Albedo confirmed by nodding, as he follows Klee to her bedroom. "Wake up, Elise! It's time to-" Klee became silent as she opens the door, looking dull and white. Albedo, due to this, became worried. "...What happened."

"She's...she's gone?!" Both of the siblings panicked, seeing no Elise present inside the bedroom. Albedo tries to calm down, as this is one of the first things he has failed to do. "Perhaps she's too stubborn to stay inside and went around here in the headquarters..." Klee nodded at the suggestion, and both dispatched themselves to scout the area. "Elise...Elise!" Both called out, hoping that Jean won't come at this time. "I'm getting hopeless on this, big brother..." Klee softly spoke as she sat on the chairs in the library, "Now I'm going to get scolded by Jean after all those years of behaving well..."

Albedo looked down on his younger sister looking upset, and leaned down to the table with arms acting as pillows. "Should we try asking for help instead?" Albedo suggested, hoping to cheer up Klee. "...No." she sharply responded, her crimson eyes looking at Albedo's golden ones. "they'll tell Jean about it since they are also aware about the babysitting. Don't you think?" Albedo nodded at Klee as she looks up with a sad face. "No, no, you've got a point. Perhaps it's was better to tell Jean rather than let her investigate about it." The siblings agreed to find Jean herself, and stood up from their chairs and pulled open the doors. "Brace yourself," Albedo warns his sister.

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