¤《David at clown camp [TW]》¤

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《《TW/CW:Panic/ Anxiety Attack Mention, PTSD 》》
This one is by Biroktikar
This one is actually pretty sad, i wanna ask David to see if this is true. [tho I hope it isn't]
"The reason David is so scared Mister Campbell using a loud voice.(or really anyone at this point) is because when he went ro Clown school in Paris, his instructor used to yell at him all the time. It gave him a crap ton of PTSD, and he gets panic attacks/anxiety attacks if anyone overwhelms him."
As I was writing this is told Nikki to ask David to see if this was true, she hasn't come back yet. I'm worried for David now.
I'm gonna ask him tomorrow, gotta get to sleep

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